More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,27

I woke up and got my period. It’s like the gods are frowning on me today. I have a big zit on my cheek and I’m tired. The only good thing—they are going to do a screening with me at the studio today. Let me play out my fantasy a little about being in front of the camera. I’m not letting my fight with Jack or my oversized zit derail me. Onward and upward. I am woman, hear me roar. LOL. Just getting myself pumped up. Need to go charge the tundra.

Ciao for now,


Mom’s journal always made me laugh. Obviously, her fight with Dad didn’t last long, because they clearly ended up together. But she was such a strong woman, even at a young age, and I admired her. I tucked her journal in my nightstand and checked my makeup before I left to meet Richard for dinner. On my way out the door, my phone vibrated.

Cruz ~ Hey. It’s Friday. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.

I rolled my eyes. We were no longer sticking to the once a week texts since he’d spent the night here, but I was still trying to keep some distance between us. It scared me how easily I found my way back to him. The night we’d spent together proved that I wasn’t over him. Obviously, we didn’t have sex. We hadn’t even kissed. But we didn’t need to. That was the thing with me and Cruz. We were connected in every way. He was a part of me and being near him made me feel complete. And whole. And I hated it as much as I loved it. My feelings for Cruz were a curse and a blessing. I knew he needed time in his recovery. And I needed time to heal from everything that happened. But why was it so damn hard to stay away from him?

Me ~ Well, that leaves my options pretty wide open. (winky face emoji)

Cruz ~ Never trust a guy named Dick. There’s a reason he has that name.

I let out a long breath.

Me ~ Why are you texting me right now? Just to mess with my head.

Cruz ~ Probably, yes. Is it working?

I laughed.

Me ~ Nope. I’m still going.

Cruz ~ Fine. Don’t be afraid to use that rape whistle I gave you.

Me ~ It’s a date. I’m not wandering through a deserted alley.

Cruz ~ Have you not heard of acquaintance rape? Nearly 50% of violent acts are caused by people the victim knows. I kid you not, More Jade.

I was done texting this ridiculousness, so I dialed his number. It was the first time we were speaking since I’d seen him.

“Hey, this is a surprise,” he purred through the line.

“Stop it. You’re being an asshole.”

“That’s the kind of anger I want to see if Dick tries anything.”

“Cruz,” I whined. “Please stop. I’m really trying.”

“Trying what, Jade? Trying to pretend you like someone?”

“How do you know I don’t like him? He’s actually pretty perfect for me,” I said, walking toward Third Street where I was meeting Richard.

“Perfect is fucking boring.”

I sighed. “Do you want to ruin this for me?”

“I think I do.”

“You have a show tonight, don’t you?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

“You keeping tabs on me, More Jade?”

“Hardly. You told me you had a show when you texted me this morning. Remember? You said you had a show, and then you listed a dozen reasons why I should cancel my date.”

“I’m trying to be a friend here. I just don’t see the fucking point in going out with this guy,” he said, and he didn’t hide his irritation.

“I think we should go back to texting once a week. We’re talking too much. All the lines are getting jumbled.”

“No. I’ll stop. Have fun with Dick.”

I laughed. “Not sure how genuine that was but thank you.”

“Alright, I’ve got to get out on stage. I wrote some new shit, Copyright 2016 - 2024