More of Us ( A Love You More Rock Star Romance #3) - Laura Pavlov Page 0,26

in the living room.

“Yeah. I think I’m going to walk in the winter commencement.”

“Look at you. You’re like an MMA master and you’re getting your degree. What a difference a summer makes, huh?” she said, bumping her shoulder into mine. But I knew there was more meaning behind her words. We’d both grown a lot these last few months, but it would take time to see who we’d become.

I opened the door and saw the slew of press outside. At least six camera guys were set up out front. Jesus Christ. Could I not have one night with her without this? I came to a halt and she slammed into my back before I pushed the door closed.

“Shit, did you see how many of them are out there?” I said.

“I forgot how aggressive they can be. And now they’re going to think you slept here.” Her tone was full of panic and distress.

“I did sleep here,” I said.

“You know what I mean, Cruz. They’re going to think we’re back together and start stalking me again. I’ve removed myself from all of this. I don’t want to be stared at on campus and sent hate mail from crazy ass girls. I don’t want this. None of it.”

She was shouting now.


I put my hands on each of her shoulders. “Relax, Jade. I’ll go out the front door. I’ll say I came this morning to fix something. I do own the property after all. You can sneak out the back door and cut through a few yards, and they won’t even know you were here.”

She swiped at the single tear rolling down her cheek. It was the first day of her last year of undergrad, and she was dealing with my bullshit. No wonder she wanted space from me.

“Okay. I just want to focus on my classes and hopefully getting some interviews for med school. I can’t get sucked back into all of this.”

I tucked the hair behind her ear. “I get it.”

She pushed up and kissed my cheek. “Okay. I’m going out the back door.”

I watched her leave and waited till she stepped outside before opening the front door and offering them a fabulous distraction.

“Do you guys ever get sick of following me around? Because I sure as shit get sick of it.” I lit a smoke and took a drag.

One dude laughed. “Are we going to be visiting you here, again? You and Jade back together?”

“No, you must be slipping on your impressive journalism skills. I’m taking off today on tour. Just dropping off some paperwork to Jade and her roommate.”

“You didn’t spend the night here?” another one called out.

“Are you serious? Do you think I’d use the front door if I did?” It was the best I could come up with, and they seemed to buy it for now. I put out my cigarette and drove toward campus to make sure Jade made it without anyone bothering her. I paused at a stop sign and saw her up ahead. She wasn’t alone.

Dick was walking beside her.

And I still wanted to smash his face in.

Chapter Seven


September 3rd

Dear Journal,

Well, let’s just say it’s been a crappy day. Jack and I had a big fight last night. He’s been drinking a lot with all his new friends at the firehouse. I went to pick him up from a bar because I was worried about him and he told me to “stop nagging him.” I kid you not. I left the library to have him call me a NAG? He proceeded to tell me that I don’t make time for him and that I’m too caught up in school. I told him that he could find himself another girlfriend, because this NAG wasn’t going to stick around and be insulted.

I mean, stereotype much? I’m picking his drunk ass up at a bar and he calls me a nag? Not happening. I dropped him at his house and refused to take his calls after I got home. I’m so mad at him. And then Copyright 2016 - 2024