More Than Protect You (More Than Words #6.5) - Shayla Black Page 0,67

my hand in his, but I have so much to say before I have any right to touch him. And I respect that because I know too much about what it’s like to be touched by someone who shouldn’t.

Like a gentleman, he opens the door and leads me out. His guiding hand at the small of my back makes me tingle. Then it’s gone in a flash, and I feel alone again.

Tanner shuts the door, then glances at his watch as if he’s taking note of the time before he crosses his arms over his chest. “What?”

He’s not hostile…but he’s not friendly. I don’t blame him. He’s just coming out of a divorce. I’m probably the first person he opened his heart to since his ex-wife. And I treated him horribly.

“I wish I had a do-over on last night. Everything happened so fast, and I admit I was terrified of being hurt again.”

“I would never have hurt you on purpose, but you were too afraid to even listen.”

He’s not wrong. I swallow, wishing again that I could touch him. “The minute you were gone, I realized that I was way more afraid of being without you than I am of being hurt by you.”

“I don’t know if I can believe that. I told you I love you—”

“And I love you, too. I’m sure everyone will think we’re crazy. A week ago, I had no idea you even existed. Now I can’t imagine living without you.”

His posture relaxes. His arms drop from his chest. “What are you saying?”

Here’s my moment. I drag in a deep breath and go for broke. “I want you. With me. Near me. Protecting me—”

“If I stay, it’s because I’m doing more than protecting you.”

“Yes!” I dare to step closer, but I have to clench my fists to stop myself from touching him. “I want you to love me, too. Now. Today. Forever. I don’t know if that makes sense or if you’re ready—”

“Fuck, Mandy.” He grips my shoulders and hauls me closer, wrapping that possessive palm around my nape and sliding my mouth inches under his. “Are you sure?”

“Very.” Tears sting my eyes.

“I think I’ve known from the minute I laid eyes on you that I wanted to love you forever. You’re not afraid anymore?”

“I am. I can’t lie, but I won’t give in to fear. I’m determined to put the past behind me.” I caress his face. “I want to be with you. I don’t know what that means yet or what that looks like but—”

“We’ll figure it out together.”

My lips tremble as I smile. “I wouldn’t want it any other way. You definitely staying on Maui?”

He hesitates. “I thought about that some last night. I like it here. I’m ready to start over and make a new life. Maui seems like a good place. I know there are a lot of good people.”

I nod. “I have a new job. You have a new range to open…”

“Neither of us have a place to live.” His fingers tighten around me. “You thinking we should find one together?”

My smile widens. “Why wouldn’t I live with the man I love?”

Finally, an answering grin slides up his face. “You should. So…we’ll find a place.”

“Soon, yeah.” I look into his dark eyes. There’s nowhere I feel happier or safer. “I can’t wait.”

He drags me against him. “Same, baby.”

Then Tanner dips his head and slides a slow, solemn kiss across my lips. I feel the weight of it. The seriousness. It’s a solemn vow, so I answer in turn, holding nothing back. This time when my heart lurches like it wants to be closer to him, I know he’ll be there for me. And I’m right. He holds me tight and barges into my mouth, like the dam of his restraint broke. The kiss suddenly turns relentless and passionate. Eternal.

“I love you,” he pants.

“I love you, too. I’m sorry I ever made you doubt that. I won’t do that again.”

He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m going to marry you someday.”

My smile turns up to something even more uncontained. “Yeah? Are you asking?”

His expression turns wry. “I have to officially be divorced first, but…once that’s done, I just might.”

Given the possessive way he’s holding me, I know he will. One step at a time. One day at a time. We’ll find our forever.

“I’d like that. What should we do now?”

His hand travels my spine, burning a path down my body until he cups my hip and presses me Copyright 2016 - 2024