More Than Protect You (More Than Words #6.5) - Shayla Black Page 0,66

the truth is clearly killing him. “I feel so guilty that I never saw it.”

“I had my suspicions,” Stephen admits. “I should have done more. I’ll have to live with that regret. But after she gave us both a tongue lashing, she called you over so we could apologize to you for assuming the worst, butting in, and being pains in your ass.”

“Precisely,” Amanda’s father seconds. “I hope there are no hard feelings.”

It’s damn hard not to have them. “Bruce wasn’t the answer, and you shouldn’t have told him where to find Amanda last night.”

“I know. I just wanted to protect my daughter from more heartache, and I knew he’d never hurt her.”

He’d never make her happy, either.

“She’s perfectly capable of managing her own life.” And dishing out heartache in return.

I ought to know.

“We’re, um…figuring that out.” Stephen laughs at himself.

I wish I had a sense of humor now. But Amanda still hasn’t appeared. Because she didn’t really want to see me? Her family apologizing is all well and good, but who gives a shit if she and I have no future?

“We are,” Lund Senior assures me. “So I hope you’ll accept our sincere apologies. I also wanted to give you this.”

When he thrusts an envelope in my hands, I open it to find a check for ten grand. “What’s this?”

“The money Amanda owes you, plus expenses…and a bonus for putting up with us.”

For him, it’s chump change. And I’m not a chump. I need the money, but not enough to compromise my ethics.

“No thanks.” I push the envelope back at him. “I appreciate the apology, but I don’t need it. I won’t take your money, either. I came to talk to Amanda, but if she didn’t ask me here to talk to me herself, I’ve got nothing left to say.”

With a curt nod, I turn away. I fucking wanted that money when Amanda hired me. I wanted that apology after her family tried to bully me.

Now I just want Amanda.

Sure, I could march to the back of the house and demand that she talk to me. But it would be pointless. She has to want to meet me halfway. And if she doesn’t… Well, forcing her would accomplish nothing. Best to tuck away the memory of our time together and walk away like a man.

Footsteps take me closer to the door. With every second, my dread grows. I wanted to see Amanda one last time. I didn’t even get that. I’m leaving empty-handed, poorer, and broken fucking hearted.

The first two I can deal with. The last… I have no idea how I’ll get over. Even losing Ellie didn’t hurt this much.

Then I hear the voice that first gripped me, even before I saw the face that went with it. And just like the earlier song said, it leaves me tongue-tied and speechless. “Tanner, wait!”

* * * *


After settling Oliver in my brother’s capable arms, I wring my hands and stare at the back of Tanner’s big, broad shoulders, willing him to face me.

Slowly, he pivots. His dark eyes are stark and pain-filled. Seeing him is a body blow. I press my hand to my chest. It feels like I’ve stopped breathing. Like the world has stopped turning.

How am I going to reach him before he walks out the door for good?

“I’m sorry,” I blurt and approach him slowly.

The raw tangle of anger and pain on his face nearly kills me. I did this. He tried to help me when I needed it. He protected me when I felt threatened. He listened when I needed understanding. And he loved me when I started to fall.

I repaid him with a knee-jerk, courtesy of my fear and mistrust. I didn’t listen to his side of the story before I sent him away. I owe him at least that—and so much more.

“For what?”

He tries to look impassive, but I see through his expression. He hasn’t slept much and he’s hurting. I feel horrible.

“Last night. Overreacting.” I remember the rest of my family is standing in the middle of the kitchen, watching us. “Would you come with me? Like I said, ten minutes. Please.”

Tanner hesitates, his gaze flicking over the other men in my life before settling on me again. “All right. Ten minutes.”

He’s already hedging his bets, and I don’t blame him.

As he heads back in my direction, I ease closer. Our fingers brush. As I lead him to the sliding glass door at the back of the villa, I ache to tuck Copyright 2016 - 2024