To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,120

‘Bob’s looking for a partner in a new electronics company. He might ask me to go in with him. If he does, I’ll need to fly out to Texas for a week or two, probably early December.’ He frowned, deep in thought. ‘You know, it’d be pretty hectic. Lots to do, workwise and socially. I might need you to come out with me.’

Eeeeeep, yelped a little voice in Ellie’s head. A trip to Texas with Zack! Oh God, what if they took an overnight flight and had to sleep next to each other on the plane?

Except that wasn’t actually likely to happen, was it? He’d probably be cocooned in luxury up there in business class, while she’d be squashed into economy at the back of the plane, surrounded by screaming kids.

Aloud she said, ‘That’s fine.’

He was watching her intently. ‘Sure it won’t interfere with your plans?’

He thought she was still seeing Joe. Was this the moment to tell him it was over? But if she did, would he just assume she’d been dumped again? Ellie shook her head. ‘It’s my job. Not a problem, no problem at all.’

‘Good, good.’ He carried on turning the pages of the diary. She saw him check his appointments for September. There at the end of the month was the weekend of his sister’s wedding. He flicked on past without saying anything. It hadn’t been mentioned since the day he’d asked her to go with him. Had he forgotten about inviting her? Was he hoping she’d forgotten? Had he made arrangements to take someone else?

Was this why he was in a better mood? Ellie’s stomach clenched with anxiety. Just because Zack hadn’t talked to her about it didn’t mean it wasn’t happening.

Right, ask him.

‘Er…’ Bugger, her throat had gone funny and her mouth was dry. Pushing back her chair, she said, ‘Cup of tea?’ It would be easier to ask the question when he wasn’t so close.

‘Thanks.’ But when she went into the kitchen, he followed her. Right, just get it over with. Ellie threw tea bags into two mugs. ‘So what’s happening with your sister’s wedding?’

‘Utter chaos.’ Zack visibly relaxed. ‘A million things to do and not nearly enough time to do it in. The twins are refusing to be bridesmaids unless they can wear trainers that light up. Plus, they want the dogs to walk up the aisle with them. Steph’s tearing her hair out. But it’ll all get sorted out in the end.’

The tea bags fizzed and filled with air as Ellie poured boiling water on to them. ‘Look, if you don’t need me for that anymore, it’s fine.’

‘Why?’ Zack stiffened. ‘Don’t you want to come?’

‘No… I mean yes…’ Stirring too vigorously, she sploshed tea over the worktop.

‘Is it Joe?’

‘No, I just thought you might have someone else you’d rather take.’ Honestly, did he have any idea how hard it was to sound casual when he was looking at her like this?

‘Someone else like who?’

She may as well say it. ‘OK, I saw the postcard that arrived for you the other week. From Australia. I wasn’t being nosy,’ Ellie went on hurriedly, ‘I just couldn’t help seeing what it said.’

‘The one from Meg.’ She caught a glimmer of a smile. ‘What makes you think I’d want to take her along to Steph’s wedding?’

‘Well, she used to be your girlfriend. And she seemed pretty keen to see you again.’ OK, she sounded so nosy. ‘Look, sorry, but it makes things easier if I know what’s going on.’

‘Nothing’s going on.’ Zack took the milk out of the fridge and passed it to her. ‘You’re right, Meg was pretty keen. I met up with her for a drink at the Queen’s Head the other evening. It was nice to see her again, catch up with her news, but that’s as far as it goes. There’s no way we’ll be getting back together.’

‘Oh. Right.’

‘And I definitely won’t be inviting her to come along to Steph’s wedding.’

Milk. Slosh. Milk. Bigger slosh. Whoops. Flustered, Ellie said, ‘So you still want me?’

Oh God, did I really just say that?

After a moment, Zack replied evenly, ‘Yes. If you still want to go.’

Oo-er. Was it her or was it getting hot in here?

‘I do want to. I’m looking forward to it.’ The way he was watching her was having a strange effect on her knees. ‘Meeting your family.’

‘It’ll be good fun. You may need earplugs,’ said Zack, ‘but you will like them. You’ll get on really well together.’

And now he was Copyright 2016 - 2024