To the Moon and Back - By Jill Mansell Page 0,119

leaned over her shoulder in order to study the schedule. ‘Yes, give Anika a call and ask if we can meet first thing in the morning. Do it in a minute,’ he went on, reaching for the mouse and minimizing the site on the computer screen. ‘There’s something else I want to show you.’ Speedily he went to his email account and clicked on the message that had come in just a few minutes earlier.

Ellie focused her attention on the screen. Being so physically close to Zack was causing all kinds of inner havoc. She should be used to it by now but, if anything, it was getting worse. OK, don’t think about the smell of him, the heat from his body, the play of muscles and tendons in his hand as he maneuvered and clicked the mouse…

Hey Zack,

Great job with the SpencerInc deal last week—heard about that from Ted. Impressed.

Bibi asked me to send you the attached photo. She says hi, and can you show Ellie? Sure hope she’s still working for you!


‘Go on then.’ Ellie nodded, indicating that he should open the attachment.

A page from a magazine filled the screen. Bob and Bibi had been photographed at a glitzy charity ball in Dallas. Their teeth were dazzling. Bob looked like a huge jovial bear in a dinner suit. Bibi was wearing a silver lamé dress that showed off her spectacular bosom and tiny waist. Her turquoise eyes sparkled. Her hair, piled up in an explosion of curls and ringlets, was fastened in place with silver jeweled combs.

Across the bottom of the photo, Bibi had scribbled: ‘Ellie! I’ve never had so many compliments!’

Ellie smiled. Behind her, she was intensely aware of Zack’s warm breath on the back of her neck.

‘Those hair things.’ He sounded puzzled. ‘They look like the ones you wore that night we met them.’

‘They do a bit.’

Zack peered more closely, his arm brushing her shoulder. ‘They’re exactly the same.’ He shifted position, looked round at Ellie. ‘Are they yours?’


‘You gave them to Bibi?’

Ellie flushed; was he cross with her? Embarrassed that she’d given the wife of a billionaire such cheap combs? ‘She said she liked them. I didn’t think she’d actually wear the things.’ She indicated the photo on the screen. ‘Especially not to something like that.’

‘Hey, I’m not complaining.’ Zack straightened and swung her chair round so she was properly facing him. Searching her face, he said, ‘Did you think I was?’

‘I don’t know.’ Ellie felt herself getting flustered; when Zack was looking at her like this, it was hard to concentrate. ‘After I got home I thought I probably shouldn’t have done it.’ God, really hard to concentrate. ‘I mean, you wouldn’t believe how cheap they were… I just hope no one lets on to Bibi… people might laugh at her for wearing them and then she’ll be mortified.’

‘Can I just say something?’ Zack cut through her babbling. ‘Bibi’s a smart lady who knows her own mind. She wears whatever she wants to wear and I wouldn’t want to be the one who tried to laugh at her. Apart from anything else, she has a black belt in karate.’

‘Haven’t we all,’ said Ellie.

He did a slight double take. ‘Have you?’

‘That’s for me to know and you to find out.’ She didn’t have a black belt but had got as far as green at the age of fourteen. Once you’d got that far you could always fake the rest.

‘Now I’m scared.’ He smiled briefly. ‘Anyway, it was a nice thing to do. Bob and Bibi liked you very much.’

‘I liked them.’ Ellie shifted in her swivel chair; had the atmosphere changed? For the past few weeks Zack had been distant and businesslike. But now he was leaning against the desk, his leg inches from hers, and it was as if all the tension had melted away. There was a softening in his manner, a return to the laid-back, relaxed Zack who had cared for her and been such easy company while she’d been ill with the flu.

In fact, maybe even more than that. Was it her imagination or was he looking at her almost as if there was something he wanted to say but didn’t know quite how to say it? Or did she just wish there was? Oh Lord, was she doing it again, conjuring up fantasies like a deluded Take That fan?

‘You never know, something like this could make all the difference.’ Zack picked up the diary and idly flipped through the pages. Copyright 2016 - 2024