Moon Academy - Catherine Banks Page 0,63


“Not enough,” Dad said as he walked out of the house, shifted into half-wolf and half-man form, and howled.

The sound was terrifying and the hairs on the back of my neck rose, as did the hairs on my arms.

“You are safest inside,” Caleb said and adjusted his grip on his sword.

“I am not going to hide away like a frightened rabbit. I have powers and can fight. They are coming for me, and I will fight back,” I said sternly.

A woman and two men stepped out of the shadows in front of us.

“That’s a nice thought, but you really should have listened,” the woman said and smiled. Her hands glowed green with magic as she focused on me.

“You cannot attack a new coven,” I told her and folded my arms across my chest.

She scowled. “What?”

“This is a new coven,” I said. “And you are attacking us, unprovoked.”

“You aren’t a coven,” one of the men said.

“We are. We are the Shadowhaven Coven,” I said, picking one of my choices quickly.

“Who is part of this coven?” the other man asked.

“My Guardians as well as the pack here and the others who are currently fighting off a vampire attack,” I said nonchalantly, even though inside I was screaming to go help fight the vampires.

“Who is your advisor?” the woman asked and glared.

Advisor? Finnick hadn’t mentioned an advisor before.

“Tom, go check on the others,” I ordered him.

Tom nodded and ran off into the darkness.

“I asked you a question,” she growled. “Who is your advisor?”

“I am,” Finnick said behind us.

I didn’t turn to look at him, hoping it would seem like I knew he was there all along. He had said he couldn’t help me, though. So, why was he here now?

The three before us took a step back, eyes widened.

“F-finnick?” the woman stuttered.

“She is my goddaughter,” he explained. “I am her advisor and assisting this new coven so they fully understand the rules and follow all guidelines.”

“Your mother will be furious—”

“I am forty years old. I’m cutting my apron strings,” he said. “Besides, I’ve been wanting a change of scenery for some time now, and this little town is simply adorable.”

He was risking so much to help us.

Tom ran back to us and whispered in my ear, “The vampires were all killed. Only about a dozen attacked.”

Dad stalked over, still half-shifted, and snarled at the trio of witches. “Trouble?” he asked, his words barely understandable.

The witches took a step back.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “They seem threatening, but I don’t think even they are stupid enough to attack the Alpha’s daughter.”

Dad stood beside me, forcing Tom to step back. “Leave,” he ordered them. “Or I will take this as an attack on this new witch coven, which I am a Guardian of.”

“This…is not how things are supposed to be done,” the woman said.

I shrugged. “I don’t care. This is how it’s happening. So leave, or fight us.”

She snapped her fingers and a purple bubble of magic surrounded the three of them. They gathered together, talking, but we couldn’t hear them.

“Anyone hurt?” I asked Dad.

He shook his head, and his body shifted back to fully man. “Nope. I told you they didn’t send enough vampires.”

“So, will you accept me into your coven?” Finnick asked.

I turned to look at him and asked, “I thought you weren’t going to help us?”

He shrugged. “What I said was true. I don’t want to be part of my mother’s coven anymore and she’ll likely be glad. There’re more covens nearby that I can travel to and search for a wife there, but I like the town here.”

“I never said I would accept you,” Dad growled.

I smiled up at the two men who obviously cared about each other. “Of course I will accept you, Finnick.”

He returned my smile. “Wonderful. Also, I already drafted your documents, copied my mother’s, and signed as your advisor. Just in case these three try anything.”

“You think they’re working with the vampires?” I asked.

He nodded. “Definitely. They’re likely scanning for them as well as deciding what to do and are quickly realizing that they underestimated this group.”

“Can I bite one?” Dad growled. “I don’t like how they keep looking down at Sarah.”

“No biting,” Finnick chastised. “Behave yourself.”

“Fine,” Dad grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest.

Nick snarled, and I set my hand on top of his shoulders, letting my fingers bury in his fur.

The bubble popped, and the three witches faced us.

“We were misinformed that you were not in a coven, and were staging a revolt. We Copyright 2016 - 2024