A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,63

great power also comes great opportunity. Sometimes big magics are badly needed in our world.

Lauren: What will the circle be doing on Monday?

Moira: I’m not certain. That is a decision that will be made in the end by Aervyn, although I’m sure others will have input. With a first-time spellcaster at the helm, the final magic will likely be kept relatively simple. Like with many full circles, the primary purposes will be practice and community.

Lauren: Community?

Moira: My witching talents are small. In circle, I get to share the combined power of thirteen others. It is an experience like no other. The fourteen in Aervyn’s first full circle as spellcaster may well earn a place in history, if the boy grows into the power we expect of him. It will be your welcome into the wider witching community as well.

Lauren: Can I be honest? I’m still not really sure how I feel about being part of a community of witches. I have a pretty happy life in Chicago, and I’m not sure how any of this fits.

Moira: Give yourself time, my dear. You’ve only had a few days to think about all this. Your heart will know the way—just give it time. Go into this circle experience with an open mind. There are no demands placed on you, just invitation. One day you may step into the inner circle, but for now, just enjoy the chance to be a part of something bigger for a few hours. The outer circle is a very special place.

Lauren: Now you’ve made me cry. Thank you. I think the pressure has been getting to me a bit.

Moira: You’ve strong powers, and that comes with responsibility. The witching community will have hopes and even expectations of you eventually, but not today. Today we ask only that you learn, and you are doing that exceedingly well.

Lauren: Help me to learn a little more then. Tell me more about circles.

Moira: I told you of the fourteen that form the circle. Each circle will follow slightly different traditions, depending on witching family and the preferences of the participants, but many elements always remain the same.

Lauren: So how many witching families are there? Nell and Jamie’s family here is obviously one, and yours in Nova Scotia another.

Moira: After the disaster in Salem, most witches began to gravitate together and settle in a few areas. The two largest gatherings are here in Nova Scotia, and where you are in Berkeley. There are others in New Orleans, Appalachia, and the islands off the west coast. The witching family moves beyond blood ties, so anyone is welcome. We have several witches here in Nova Scotia who are not related by blood.

Lauren: But not all witches do that, right? Sophie hasn’t.

Moira: There are many witches who choose to live elsewhere, but most travel to one of the witching centers to join full circles, solstice celebrations, and the like. Sophie often joins Nell, or comes here to Nova Scotia. She spent many summers here as a child. We welcome her with open arms—I don’t see her often enough.

Lauren: I’m looking forward to meeting her. I hope some day I have a chance to meet you as well.

Moira: Child, if it’s meant, that would make me very happy.

Lauren: And I’m sorry to keep asking so many questions. I know you’re supposed to be telling me about circles.

Moira: It’s because you’re American. In Ireland, where I grew up, the best conversations wandered and twisted around. Sometimes you learn more that way than traveling in straight lines. However, you’ve the right of it—Jennie will scold if I don’t at least tell you a bit more. There will be some rituals to form the outer circle, and I won’t spoil your fun by telling you of them. Just know that their purpose is to cleanse the space and the participants, and help minds to clear and channels to open.

Lauren: Sounds like one of Nat’s yoga classes.

Moira: There may well be some similarities. Then the inner circle forms, and the trio at each of the four directions will call up the elements. Once the circle has tapped into elemental powers, any other power sources can also be called. Most often, it will just be the elementals.

Lauren: So mind magic isn’t used in circles?

Moira: Not usually. Most mind witches act as monitors—outside the circle, but taking care of those inside. Normally you’d be trained to step into that role, but since you appear to have channeling talent, most likely those are

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