A Modern Witch - By Debora Geary Page 0,62

in close proximity to them as well, so that probably contributed.

“We’ll move you down the hall tomorrow, and I’ll show you how to use your crystals. The white moonstone will help barrier you while you sleep. Eventually you’ll be able to bespell sleep protections, but crystals are the easier path for now.”

“I’m going to learn to cast spells?”

“Just a few very simple ones. Nothing we’ve learned so far suggests you have spellcasting talents, so I’ll just show you the few that almost every witch uses. You’ll also learn some basic spellwork as part of the outer circle on Monday. The inner circle does most of the work, but any witches in the outer circle also help cast and hold the protections.”

“I meant to ask you more about that. Nell mentioned a circle in chat yesterday. I think Sophie is going to fly in for it. That sounds like a pretty big deal.”

“A large circle like the one on Monday is a big deal,” said Jennie. “It will be Aervyn’s first time as spellcaster for a full circle, and that’s always a momentous event in the witching world.”

“I don’t really know anything about circles.” Lauren bit into a second brownie.

“I know. I’ve asked Moira to have a chat with you, actually. She’ll be able to tell you a lot more of the history and traditions than I could, and I know she yearns to play a small role in your training.”

“Thank you. I feel lost sometimes, like I skipped the first few years of school or something.”

“Not to worry, we’ll catch you up. As for the circle, the role of the outer circle is very simple—love and support. Nat will be coming as well. Aervyn has asked for you to be there, and it’s a really big day for him. Maybe we’ll do some beginner circle work tomorrow; it would be good for both of you.”

Well, thought Lauren, if Jamie and Nat weren’t enough to keep her awake, thinking about witch rituals big enough to make Aervyn nervous certainly would. It was definitely a three-brownie night.

Chapter 15

Lauren: Moira, are you there?

Moira: I am, child. I hear Jennie would like us to have a wee chat about witching circles.

Lauren: She said you know a lot about them, all the history and tradition involved. I’m hoping you could tell me a little bit about what to expect on Monday night.

Moira: I’m assuming you will be doing a little circle work before then? I can’t believe Jennie would throw you into a full circle with no idea of what will happen.

Lauren: No, we’re going to do a training circle later today, I think.

Moira: Good. That will give you a sense of what a circle does, just on a smaller scale.

Lauren: Everyone talks about full circles with a lot of respect. They must be a really big deal.

Moira: Respect is one piece—both respect for the tradition of the circle, and for the power a circle, particularly a full one, can generate. History’s most spectacular spells have almost always been worked by a circle, although history doesn’t often acknowledge it.

Lauren: Really? Like what?

Moira: Well, a full circle is usually cast by fourteen witches. There’s a trio at each of the cardinal directions, and then the channeler and spellcaster. The spellcaster weaves the power of the circle into its final form, so often outsiders see only the spellcaster and miss the circle supporting him or her. Merlin’s most powerful magic was done by a circle. He was a very talented spellcaster.

Lauren: Merlin was real?

Moira: He was. A lot of the stories about him are a long way from truth, but he existed, and he had strong magic.

Lauren: That is so cool.

Moira: During the Salem witch hunts in your country, many innocents were sentenced to burn at the stake, as well as a number of our sisters.

Lauren: I’m not sure what to say. That suddenly feels disturbingly personal.

Moira: Indeed. Circles were not able to save everyone, but many of the bonfires burned very effective illusions. Several of our most powerful spellcasters and channelers died from the sheer effort.

Lauren: I had no idea it could be so dangerous. Will Aervyn be okay on Monday?

Moira: I’m sure every possible precaution will be taken, but big magic always carries risk. The entire circle is vulnerable, but for channeler and spellcaster, the risk is larger. Jennie tells me you may be a channeler, so it’s important for you to understand this.

Lauren: Hearing it loud and clear.

Moira: Don’t hear only fear, child. With

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