Mistress-of-the-Game - By Tilly Bagshawe Sidney Sheldon Page 0,133

Thank you." Lexi smiled bravely. "I didn't want this to go on record. But I actually just found out I'm pregnant again. The sickness...you know."

"Oh. Sure." Carey looked embarrassed. He wasn't good with women's problems. "Sorry. I didn't know. Can I...is there anything I can do?"

"I'll be fine. I could maybe use some fresh air."

"Of course. You want to use the ladies' room first?"

Lexi nodded gratefully. "Thanks."

"Follow me."

Carey led her down the hall to the restrooms. Normally suspects would be escorted to the toilets by a female officer, but he didn't see the need in this case. This is Lexi Templeton. She's hardly likely to try to shimmy out of the window like a common criminal.

Sure enough, five minutes later, Lexi emerged into the corridor. She looked deathly pale.

"I know you want to get back to the interview, Lieutenant. But do you think I could step outside for a few minutes? I don't feel at all well."

"Of course. Take your time."

He led her out into a small paved area at the back of the station. There was a metal table and a couple of chairs, both littered with cigarette butts. A lone ceramic planter stood forlornly in the corner, containing something very, very dead.

Lieutenant Carey was babbling. "Not the most beautiful yard, I'm afraid. None of my guys are what you might call green-thumbed...if you know what I mean...anyway. I'll be in room three when you're ready."

"Thanks. I won't be long."

Lexi waited for the door to close. Grabbing one of the chairs, she dragged it over to the back of the garden. At first glance, the wall looked relatively low. But when Lexi stood on top of the chair, she realized that there was a good three feet between her outstretched fingertips and freedom. She'd have to jump for it.

Bending her knees, arms stretched upward, she leaped as high as she could. The chair slipped from beneath her feet, clattering loudly onto the concrete. Panicking, Lexi looked behind her at the station door.

Don't open. Please don't open.

Agonizing seconds passed. Nothing happened.

Hanging by her fingers from the top of the wall, Lexi could feel her hands sweating. I'm slipping. Her feet flailed in the air, desperately scrambling for some sort of hold, a protruding brick, a crack, anything. It was no good. The wall was like ice. She was losing her grip.

Oh God! I'm going to fall.

A warm, male hand clamped down over hers. Then another. Fingers tightened around Lexi's wrists. Someone was pulling her, so hard Lexi thought her shoulders were about to dislocate. Seconds later, she was flying headfirst over the top of the wall.

A garbage can broke her fall, but Lexi still landed hard, bruising her elbow and hip on the hard ground of the alleyway. She cried out in pain.


Someone scooped her up off the ground like a rag doll. Bundling her into the back of a car, he took off at full speed. Lexi lay on the floor of the backseat, her heart pounding. Memories of her childhood kidnapping came flooding back to her. Only this time she knew where she was going.

After ten minutes, and numerous sharp turns, the car began to slow down. Lexi felt the bumps as they turned off the road. At last, the engine stopped.

"You okay?" Robbie's voice sounded shaky.

"I'm fine. Thanks. I didn't know if you'd make it."

Overwhelmed with relief, Lexi burst out laughing.

"I wouldn't celebrate just yet if I were you," said Robbie. "That was the easy part. Now we have to get you off the island."

"US Air flight twenty-eight to Providenciales, you may board the aircraft at this time."

Gabe and Greta were in the first-class departure lounge at Bangor International Airport. Maxine lay sleeping like a black-haired cherub in her nanny's arms. Two floors below, at the gate, an army of paparazzi was waiting, hoping for a picture of Lexi en route to her honeymoon. Baby Max would be an added bonus.

"You ready to go?"

"Yes, sir. Ready as I'll ever be."


Gabe looked at his watch.

Come on, Lexi.

Lieutenant John Carey waited for five minutes. Then ten.

Should I go out there and get her?

What with Lexi being so unexpectedly forthcoming, he didn't want to look insensitive. He remembered his ex-wife when she was pregnant. Hormones out of control, like an angry hippo. You could tick a pregnant woman off just by breathing. I need that confession.

Fifteen minutes. This is getting ridiculous. Maybe I should bring her a glass of water or something? Yeah. That's a good idea. Act like I'm

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