Mistress-of-the-Game - By Tilly Bagshawe Sidney Sheldon Page 0,132


Thank God I invited him to the wedding, thought Lexi. If Mark had been in New York and I'd had to get some local lawyer...She shuddered at the thought.

Lieutenant Carey pressed on. "Were you aware that Mr. Kolepp was intending to flee to South America?"

Mark Hambly shook his head at Lexi. Don't answer.

"When was the last time you spoke to Mr. Kolepp?"

Another head shake.

Lieutenant Carey lost his temper. Who did this fancy New York attorney think he was dealing with?

"Listen, you arrogant prick. I'm asking the lady, not you. She's not doing herself any favors by being so obstructive, you know. You think these tapes are gonna sound good in court? Do you?"

Lexi spoke up. "It's all right, Mark. I'm happy to answer the Lieutenant's questions. I've got nothing to hide. You can go home now."

Mark Hambly's jaw practically hit the Formica table. Lexi Templeton was a smart cookie. She couldn't be serious about talking to this schmuck without a lawyer present. Could she?

"Lexi, trust me, that's not a good idea. You're not thinking clearly."

"Really, Mark. It's fine."

A grin of triumph spread over Lieutenant Carey's face.

"You heard her, Mark. Go home."

"Perhaps there's a more comfortable room we could use, Lieutenant?" Lexi gave John Carey her most winning smile, the same one that had melted the heart of Detective Sanchez earlier. "My sense is this is going to take a while. These chairs are awfully hard."

Mark Hambly pleaded: "Lexi, come on, this is crazy. Don't talk to this idiot alone."

"This idiot?" It was all John Carey could do not to grab the lawyer by the throat and throttle him. "Are you deaf, buddy? She asked you to leave."

Mark Hambly looked helplessly at his client, but it was no use. He picked up his briefcase and left without another word.

Lieutenant Carey turned his attention back to Lexi.

I'm starting to like this woman.

"We'll move into room three, Ms. Templeton. There's a couch in there. I'll have my guys bring you something to eat if you like."

"I'd appreciate that. Thank you."

My pleasure. You talk to me, sweetheart, and you can have anything you want.

Greta Sorensen looked worried. She was in the back of a limousine with Gabe, speeding toward the airport.

"I'm not sure, Mr. McGregor. I could get into trouble."

"Not if you stick to the story. The airline is fully informed."

Greta frowned.

"I'm still not sure."

Gabe pulled out his checkbook. "Would fifty thousand dollars help to ease your mind at all?"

Greta looked at the check. Then she looked at Gabe. Finally, she looked at baby Maxine, dreaming away in her car seat, blissfully unaware of the high-stakes game in which she was about to become an unwitting pawn. Greta held out her hand.

"You know what, Mr. McGregor? I believe it would ease my mind."

Gabe grinned and passed her the check.

He'd always liked Swedish girls.

The new interview room was painted a bright, cheery yellow, with a striped rug, paintings on the wall, and a pair of matching faux-suede couches. Someone brought Lexi a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Lexi thought: This must be the "good cop" room. Perfect. The clock on the wall said a quarter after eight.

She had thirty minutes.

"Talk to me about Carl Kolepp."

Lexi talked, slowly. It was important that she sound relaxed on the tape. But at the same time, she had to measure every word. I can't afford to incriminate myself. I have to tread carefully. She told Carey about her first meeting with Carl. Her respect for him as a trader. She talked about Kruger-Brent. "It's important you understand a little bit about the company history, Lieutenant. What happened to our stock price was not simple cause and effect. It was not one single event but a complex web of events."

John Carey nodded. "Go on."

Twenty minutes...Keep him talking...

Twelve minutes.

John Carey didn't understand half of what Lexi was saying. Indices and margin calls and hedges, it was all Greek to him. But it didn't matter. The point was she was talking. And it was all on tape.

Hawaii. That'd be a good place to retire. Maybe a time-share on Kaanapali Beach?

Lexi checked the clock. Seven minutes. Frowning, she rested a hand on her belly.

"Everything okay?"

"Yes. I..." Lexi clutched her stomach again. "Would you mind stopping the tape for a moment, Lieutenant?"

Carey got up and switched off the recorder. It was irritating having to stop when they were on a roll, but he didn't want to alienate Lexi, not when she was being so helpful.

"Are you sure you're all right, Ms. Templeton?"

"I'm fine.

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