Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,374

Blade was certain Lord Fallon had everything to do with it.

Trello entered. “I’ve searched the stables. No horses are missing.” He glanced at Blade with fear in his eyes. “Father, Ariane and Diane should go back to the ball. Kingsley will watch over you. Philip, Blade and I will take some men and search further afield.”

“If she’s outside, she could freeze to death. Why would she go outside?” Ariane wailed.

Kingsley pulled Ariane into his arms. “The men will find Harriet. We must return to the ballroom and act as if nothing is amiss. We don’t need her reputation bandied about. There is enough gossip already.”

With that the women and Lord Kingsley returned to the ball, leaving the men alone.

Blade rounded on Harriet’s brother. “It’s Fallon, I tell you. You heard the rumor too, Trello. He’s desperate for money.”

“He’s also a coward. He knows I’d kill him if he touched a hair on her head.”

“He can get in line,” Blade growled. “We can’t just stand here doing nothing.”

“Have we checked the stables? There are plenty of grooms and stable hands about with the ball on,” Philip asked.

“I’ve already checked,” Trello wailed.

Blade headed for the door. “I’ll look again. I have to do something.” He made his way through the servants' entrance and even with his greatcoat on the cold penetrated to his skin. The falling snow was relentless, and he prayed Fallon at least wrapped Harriet up against the elements.

The stable was a buzz of activity, what with the carriages for the guests and keeping the horses warm. If the snow didn’t ease, they might have a full house tonight, the roads soon becoming impassable.

It didn’t take long for Blade to learn that Lord Fallon did not have a carriage in the stable yard, and he could feel his fear choke him. He asked his groom to saddle his horse while sending a boy to let Trello know what he’d learned and that he’d go searching.

As he headed out into the snowstorm, he berated himself. He’d been so pleased with his plan around his surprise proposal that he’d forgotten to watch over Harriet. She’d specifically asked them to be in the ballroom tonight, but he’d thought it would have more effect if he came out only to propose.

He vowed that no matter what, she would be his bride. He didn’t care what Fallon did to her, once Fallon was dead she would be his wife, scandal be damned—if she’d have him. He hated that now she might not have any choice. He wanted her to have her wish—to make her own decisions about her future. If he could he’d ensure Fallon did not steal that from her.

He rode around to the back of the house because if he was abducting anyone it would not be in full view of the guests. That’s when he saw the set of two prints in the snow. He kicked his horse forward. He followed them until the snow obscured them… Or was that it. He dismounted and saw that the prints diverged. His heart sped up. She’d run…

Throwing himself in the saddle, he knew exactly where she was running to—the hot pools. He urged Ghost into a gallop and headed to the pools. About half way there he saw a figure stumbling towards the house. It was Harriet, and not far behind was Fallon.

Anger seized him, and he yelled a curse into the cold air. Fallon turned towards the sound and stopped, turning round and running back the way he’d come. Blinding rage almost saw him follow until he noted that Harriet had no coat on. She’d fallen to her knees in the snow. He’d leave killing Fallon to later and instead raced to Harriet’s side.

“Blade…” Her voice was a whisper as she lay in the snow with flakes kissing her beautiful face.

“I’ve got you,” he whispered in her ear as he wrapped her in his greatcoat, oblivious to the cold from worry. She felt like a block of ice. He quickly carried her and lay her on Ghost’s neck before swinging up behind her. He pulled her into his arms and set his horse flying over the snow towards the warmth. He was about to gallop into the stable when he detoured to the servants' entrance round the back.

He saw a figure heading towards the house and it was Trello. Her brother broke into a run when he spied them.

“Well met, Trello. Help me carry her inside and get her out of these wet

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