Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,373

at Ariane as she stood before him, chewing her bottom lip and wringing her hands. “I haven’t seen her for almost an hour. Kingsley and I have looked everywhere.”

The back of Blade’s neck prickled. His gaze swept the room She was not here. “She can’t have just disappeared.”

Just then Trello arrived. “Funny thing. Lord Punting just told me he’d seen Lord Fallon here. But I was sure we did not invite him.”

Blade’s blood turned to ice in his veins. “Fetch your brother. We have to search the house.” He smiled reassuringly at Ariane while inside he trembled. “I’m sure she’s simply taking some time to herself,” but he could see Ariane didn’t believe him.

Blocks of ice. Her feet were like blocks of ice, and she could not feel her toes. He must have parked the carriage a long way away from the house, as they had been walking for some time. Maybe he hadn’t expected the snow to fall so heavily. She knew exactly where they were. They were near the hot pools. If she could slip away she could hide in the maze of rocks until someone noticed she was gone. She knew her way around the rocky outcrop and she could easily lose him. Hopefully, the steam would save her from freezing to death.

She heard a horse neigh and understood the carriage was likely hidden within the corpse of trees up ahead. It was now or never. Fallon stumbled over a rock and his grip lessened. With one almighty elbow to his ribs and a giant shove, she broke free and ran as fast as she could over the snowy ground. It was rough going because she could not feel her feet. She lifted her skirts and her legs flew over the ground. Thank God Lord Fallon was short, for her strides matched his, but fear gave her wings and she could run faster.

She made the safety of the rocks and skirted around to a place in the rocks that gave her several escape routes. Listening to his bumblings as he hunted for her, she hoped the heated steam would warm her. Her teeth were chattering, and she wondered if he could hear them. She’d have to play hide and seek with Lord Fallon until rescued. To run across open land back towards the house would give him the chance to catch her out in the open. The cold would soon overtake her. Already her body felt numb.

She stayed hidden and listened as Fallon stumbled around cursing her and his money issues. Why wouldn’t he just give up and leave her alone? Then she realized he was dressed in a warm jacket and boots. But if she stayed here any longer, she’d faint from the cold. Already her limbs were trembling.

She rounded another rock and looked towards the house. She’d have to risk it. If she delayed any longer, she wouldn’t make it. She waited until he was on the other side of the rocks and made a dash for it. She no longer cared about the cold, or her numb limbs. She felt no pain as she stumbled over the hard ground, her slippers almost shredded.

She had one major fall and when she stood up her hand caught her dress and it ripped down the front, her bosom barely contained by her shift under her corset.

To her relief, he still hadn’t realized that she’d made a run for it. And if she didn’t die of cold, she’d make it back to the house before he could catch her.

Chapter Eight

“She’s not in the house, I tell you.” Blade paced the drawing room, oblivious to the ballroom noise. His heart was beating so hard in his chest. What a bloody fool he’d been. He just might lose her.

If Fallon had abducted Harriet, he’d kill the man and then he’d marry Harriet, scandal or no scandal. He loved her.

Of course he loved her. He’d known that all along. There had never been any other woman he’d wanted to be his wife. He was simply too scared to admit it.

Now his cowardice may cost him his happiness. He gazed at the mistletoe hanging over the door and wished he could hold Harriet in his arms under it and kiss her for eternity.

“We have looked everywhere.” Ariane had tears in her eyes.

“If that young lady has run away.”

“Papa, Harriet would never run away from anything.” Diane sat holding Ariane’s hand, fighting back tears too. “Something is afoot.”

It was afoot all right, and

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