Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,322

the sound of the guests conversing spilled out. “This will be fun.”

Lucy smiled despite her nerves, pleased when Emma kept a tight hold on her arm as she paused to introduce Lucy to some of the others. Was her outgoing cousin nervous or did she simply want to put Lucy at ease? Whatever the reason, Lucy appreciated it.

They slowly made their way around the room, visiting briefly with many.

Viscount Jameson was another of the gentlemen Emma was considering. The lord was handsome with dark hair and a narrow face. He had an air of watchful reserve about him when he looked at Emma that suggested he was well aware of the game she was playing. As far as Lucy was concerned, that was a point in his favor.

Mr. Charles Barnes and his sister, Prudence, were nice but both seemed slightly ill at ease among the others. Mr. Barnes watched Emma with a hunger in his eyes that Lucy didn’t care for. Was that look for Emma herself or her fortune?

Her cousin hadn’t mentioned Viscount Comerford, but Lucy wondered if he was also a potential suitor. He raked a practiced eye over them that Lucy found distasteful. He leaned forward when he spoke, lending an intimacy to his manner that she didn’t appreciate. But Emma seemed to find him pleasant.

At last, they came to Mr. Raybourne. Lucy felt her cheeks heat while Emma made the introduction.

“I would recognize those eyes anywhere,” he said with an engaging smile that had Lucy’s stomach quivering. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“Please accept my apology for the misunderstanding upon our arrival,” Lucy began, forcing herself to meet his blue eyes. Was it embarrassment that caused the flutters within her or something else?

To her dismay, Emma stepped away to speak with someone, leaving Lucy on her own.

“Think nothing of it,” Mr. Raybourne said. “I’m certain your aunt won’t be the last to assume I’m a servant.”

“I hardly think anyone in their right mind would take you for a footman.” Her cheeks grew warmer as she took in his tall form and broad shoulders, only to see he could easily fill the role of a footman, who were prided for their good looks and fine physique. Too late, she realized her mistake. His remark hadn’t been an invitation to ogle him. Would she ever gain her footing with this man?

“I would be happy to assist you anytime.” His suggestive smile sent her heart racing even as her stomach dipped.

Her hope of putting their awkward beginning behind them was dashed. Good heavens. How did Emma flirt so effortlessly?

Before she embarrassed herself further, she smiled politely then turned to rejoin Emma. How was she going to manage an entire meal seated next to the man?

Pleasure filled Hugh as he sat beside Miss Gray at the long dining room table for dinner. He hadn’t expected to sit next to Miss Waverly but feared he’d be stuck with Mrs. Penrose or the like. Luckily, the grumpy woman wasn’t in sight.

He reminded himself not to be too forward with Miss Gray. His earlier remark had obviously made her uncomfortable. “Hello again.”

“Hello.” She smiled politely but kept her gaze on the table.

“I’m famished,” he said in an attempt to put her at ease as he adjusted his chair.

Lucy Gray was much different than her flirtatious cousin in both looks and manner. With dark hair, creamy skin, a hint of rose in her cheeks, and that shy smile, she was a gentle beauty rather than displaying Emma’s brightness. Her watchful eyes reminded him of a colt, uncertain whether to bolt or come forward to investigate.

He realized he very much wanted her to do the latter even if he was out of practice in dealing with shy ladies. He avoided them at London balls as they came with matchmaking mamas looking for the slightest infraction to pounce on an eligible bachelor.

“How is your aunt?” he asked as chestnut soup was served.

“She’s resting. I hope she’ll recover from our journey and join some of the activities on the morrow.”

“I gather from what Miss Waverly said that you watch over her?”

“Yes.” Her lips twisted to the side as if she debated what more to say. “My parents died several years ago, and I’ve lived with her since.”

“I’m sorry to hear that. How kind of you to stay with her.” The notion of this beautiful lady living with an elderly aunt in the country didn’t please him in the least. She must be missing out on much

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