Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,321

her, given her aunt’s poor behavior and the fact that Emma had described him as a rogue. Lucy didn’t think she’d ever met one and was curious. Did he indulge in debauchery or lechery? Was he dishonest in some manner? She had difficulty believing any of those, considering Emma’s interest in him and that Uncle Andrew and Aunt Jane had invited him to the party.

He was certainly handsome, his rough good looks well suited for a battlefield. A small scar near his eye and a slight bump on the bridge of his nose suggested he lived an active life. Golden hair swept carelessly to the side framed his face and sideburns a shade darker emphasized his firm jawline. His wide blue eyes with long lashes several shades darker than his hair sparkled with good humor as if he found life amusing.

And that smile—smiles like that should come with a warning to inexperienced ladies. His white cravat had been tied in an intricate knot and his tall collar should’ve looked ridiculous but hadn’t.

She gave herself a mental shake. Admiring the man was the last thing she should be doing, especially since Emma was interested in him. Of course, she was also attracted to two or three other men in attendance.

Lucy had her work cut out for her if Emma had her way, though she still didn’t understand what exactly Emma wanted her to do. She already looked after Aunt Edith and wasn’t certain how much free time she’d have. However, Emma had been kind enough to lend her several gowns as well as offering the maid’s sewing skills to lower the hem so they would better fit Lucy. The least Lucy could do was assist her with her plan.

She’d spent well over an hour making certain Aunt Edith was comfortable in her room just down the corridor, then requested her aunt’s dinner be sent up on a tray. The coach ride had tired her more than they’d expected. Lucy hoped all the older woman needed was a good night’s rest to recover her spirits. Lucy dearly wanted to partake in some of the festivities and wanted Aunt Edith to enjoy her stay as well.

She opened her bedchamber door to find Emma with her hand poised to knock.

“I was just coming for you.” Her cousin looked her over with a smile. “You look lovely.”

“Thank you. Collette does excellent work.” The lady’s maid had twisted strands of Lucy’s long, brown hair then coiled them around her head along with a string of seed pearls. A few shorter strands curled in tight ringlets around her face. Lucy hadn’t taken so much time with her appearance in an age. “You look wonderful as well.”

“Thank you.” Emma’s gown was white with a small band of pink silk roses adorning the high waist and the capped sleeves. Her pale hair held several strands of crystals, which added an extra sparkle to her appearance.

Emma looped her arm through Lucy’s. “I’m so pleased you’re here. It’s been too long since we spent the holidays together.”

“I’m looking forward to it.” Lucy smiled with genuine excitement. “I just hope Aunt Edith will enjoy it.”

“Mother is visiting with her now and brought her favorite dessert.”

“How thoughtful of her.” Aunt Edith’s sweet tooth was well known among the family despite her petite figure.

“Now then,” Emma began as they made their way down the stairs. “I should like you to meet each of the gentlemen this evening and speak with them individually over the next few days. I want your opinion.”

Lucy was flattered. Normally her cousin was independent and a bit headstrong, as she knew from their frequent letters, and rarely bothered with other people’s advice.

“We shall start with Mr. Raybourne and try to seat you together at dinner.”

“Do you think that wise?” Her stomach tightened at the thought of conversing with the man after their unfortunate initial meeting. “I worry whether he’s forgiven us for the confusion earlier.”

“If he hasn’t, then he isn’t the type of man I want as a husband.”

“True enough.” Lucy was relieved to think Emma wasn’t solely basing her selection of a husband on the physical experiments she intended to conduct.

“I want to hear anything the men say and do that might help me decide. I’m depending on you to help me.”

Lucy pushed aside a pang of hurt that it hadn’t crossed Emma’s mind that Lucy might hope to marry. Yet how could she with Aunt Edith to care for?

“Smile,” Emma whispered as they neared the drawing room where

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