Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,191

filled with energy and enthusiasm, as always. Their eyes widened at the sight of the paper chain scarf he wore, a perfect match to the one adorning the horse's neck. He doffed his hat, giving them a ceremonious bow, which set them off into peals of laughter.

"Mama! Come quick!"

"Mr. Mayfield's horse is wearing a paper chain!"

Lorelei and her sister appeared on the doorstep, and Lorelei let loose that rich laugh he adored so much. Her eyes were once again filled with indulgence when she gazed at him. It was a prize like no other. He would go to any length to have her look at him like that every day of his life.

"I should reconsider my attire," she said. "I am not anywhere as decorative as you are."

"You are the ultimate in decoration." He assisted her into the carriage. "I hope you do not mind it being open. I thought we could enjoy the fresh air."

"It will keep you from overheating," Beatrice said mischievously. "Oh, I nearly forgot. I have a few things to send with you."

"I shall be returning before nightfall," Lorelei said, "and I am certain Mr. Mayfield has a cook who can prepare a meal if needed."

Her sister pretended she did not hear and went inside the doorway. She returned with a small valise. "Just a few trinkets. To aid with your decorating efforts."

Desmond stowed the bag in the carriage by Lorelei's feet. "I ensured my staff gathered all of the items on the list Lorelei sent round earlier. There is an abundance of greenery, just waiting for our efforts. But I am certain these will be welcome."

"I am certain they will be, too," Beatrice said, grinning.

"We can help decorate," Caroline piped up.

"We are very good helpers," Henry added.

Desmond knelt in front of them. "I appreciate your offer. I promise I will have you come see our efforts, once everything is completed."

"That would be splendid," their mother answered before they could protest. "Now go inside before it gets too cold."

They obeyed, chattering about the time Martin warned them against freezing their noses against the shop window. Desmond chuckled and ensured Lorelei was settled, before getting into the carriage and gathering the reins again.

Lorelei waved to her sister, and then they were off, Desmond's heart racing as fast as the horse carrying them to the next adventure.

Desmond watched as Lorelei carefully festooned the mantle with several strands of ivy.

"An interesting choice," he commented.

She turned and bestowed a dazzling smile on him. "I thought we could include Saturnalia in our celebrations."

"I am all for ancient Roman festivities. But where does the ivy fit in?"

"It is intended to cure overindulgence."

He frowned. "I am not sure I believe that."

"About ivy?"

"No, that there is such a thing as overindulgence."

She laughed. "I can see how you would doubt that. You have probably devoted your life to indulging in indulgence."

"Can you think of a better pursuit?" He added a kiss to her very willing lips.

"I wonder if I could be persuaded to your view."

"I wonder that too. We should at least attempt it."

"I agree." She glanced out the window. "What a surprise. It has started to snow."

Desmond turned his head that direction. "I requested it actually."

"In the hopes we would be snowed in here?"

He waggled his eyebrows, eliciting a rich laugh from her. "It is the perfect opportunity to test our theory about overindulgence."

"I agree." Lorelei reached into the valise Beatrice had insisted she bring along. She lifted out a lacy chemise, and a sheer night-rail. "These are not decorations."

"Oh, I disagree," Desmond said. "Most vehemently. I can only imagine how decorative these will prove to be."

"Your staff might be shocked to see my undergarments draped amongst the ivy and evergreen branches."

"Fortunately, I sent them away to enjoy the holidays with their loved ones. We can have the decorations removed long before they return."

"Giving us plenty of occasions to overindulge."

Desmond chuckled. "I only hope we have enough ivy to counteract all of it."

"Let us find out."

They had found their way upstairs, laughing and kissing, with Desmond answering every one of Lorelei's questions about his home. It gratified her that he did not seem in a hurry to get to his bedchamber, even though she knew he was eagerly anticipating those moments as much as she was.

He closed the door behind them, and Lorelei turned, silently asking Desmond for a kiss. He instantly complied, following the kiss with another, and yet another, until Lorelei was nearly overwhelmed by the ripple of pleasure he produced.

"You are

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