Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,190

to your help."

"I must thank you for your assistance. And now I leave with a token of it."

The children grinned and made their farewells, imploring him to return so they might have tea again. Desmond insisted he would be on their doorstep before they had a chance to notice he was gone. Lorelei's sister also thanked him and then herded the children into the next room.

"I know she did so in order to give us a more private leave-taking," Desmond said. "I wonder if you might be amenable to a short stroll with me."

Lorelei glanced quickly from side to side, ensuring they were quite alone. She placed a quick kiss against his lips. "I would relish a stroll."

She went to fetch her pelisse and bonnet. It was no surprise that her sister was waiting, both items in hand, a grin on her face.

"You know he is perfect for you. I do not know how you continue to resist."

Lorelei donned the pelisse, fastening it quickly, and then ensured her bonnet was perfectly tied. "I am not resisting. I am merely enjoying this phase of the passion cycle, remember?"

Beatrice snorted, gently pushing Lorelei towards the door. "Hurry along. I am impatient for you to advance to the next stage."

Lorelei laughed and went to join Desmond.

Desmond rested his gloved hand atop Lorelei's. He enjoyed the feel of her hand nestled in the crook of his elbow.

"Are you certain you are warm enough?" she asked.

"Of course." He pointed to the paper chain still around his neck. "The scarf we made this afternoon is doing a formidable job."

She grinned. "I feared it was more decorative than utilitarian."

"An easy mistake to make."

Lorelei stopped, standing in front of him. "You quite made their afternoon. I am certain to hear about it endlessly for the days ahead."

"I enjoyed myself immensely. I have no brothers or sisters, so I did not have many of these occasions while growing up. Except when visiting Martin and his numerous siblings." He enjoyed watching the various emotions flitting across her face. "I rather envy you and your sister, and the easy camaraderie you have with the children."

"There were many times when I wished I did not have a sibling," she said with a laugh. "We are so close in age that it often seemed like a rivalry. Now it is hard to imagine we ever felt that way."

They continued strolling again, the crisp air circling them, frosting their breath as they exhaled. The sun was low in the sky but doing its best to emit as much light for the time it had left. Desmond would have been content, though, if it were nightfall or the midst of a blizzard.

Lorelei brightened his surroundings, and his outlook.

"There is a scarcity of mistletoe at the moment," she said playfully. "What do you suggest as a solution?"

Desmond pretended to ponder the notion. "I could give you an IOU, promising to repay you at a future date. Would that suffice?"

"I think it will work perfectly. Otherwise we would have to resort to imaginary kissing."

"No need for that when we are both available for actual kissing."

Lorelei raised up on her tiptoes and pressed a heated kiss to his lips. He responded instantly. He gathered her into his arms, but the paper chain bunched up, crackling in protest and hindering his ability to kiss Lorelei the way he wanted. She grinned and slowly unwound the length from his neck.

"Be careful not to crush it," he said. "I mean to wear it at my next visit."

Her expression softened at his words. Instead of replying, she kissed him tenderly, as if revealing emotions she did not wish to say aloud. He returned the kiss, his own heart feeling similarly. It was not long before the tenderness turned more passionate. Her body pressed against his, stirring more riotous emotions, making him wish they were right then at his hunting lodge.

"I hope to visit it soon," she replied.

"Ah, so I did say that aloud," he chuckled, kissing her once more.

"Does your lodge need decorating?" She held up the chain still in her hands.

He answered with another passionate kiss. "The only decoration it requires is you, Lorelei."

Chapter Six

Desmond adjusted the reins in his hands. He was thankful it had not snowed for quite some time. The roads were clear, and the cold temperatures had ensured they were not muddy. He stopped the carriage at the Goddard doorstep.

The children must have been watching for his arrival through the window. They bounded out the front door,

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