Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,187

"You can see how her talents have progressed."

Desmond managed to turn his laugh into a cough. "It is hard to imagine they have not always been at such a level."

Lorelei bit her lip momentarily, and her eyes flashed with humor as she looked his direction. "It was indeed quite a performance. Truly memorable."

Mrs. Humphreys' joy could not be contained. "Can you believe, she has not had a single lesson. Not a one!"

Desmond and Lorelei both feigned amazement at the pronouncement.

"It is true," the young woman squeaked. "Though I do practice every day."

Her mama tossed her an indulgent look. "Nothing brings me greater joy than to hear her going through her scales, and then, once her delicate voice is warmed up, singing the greatest arias as if they had been written for her."

Desmond merely nodded, unsure how to respond. Nor did it seem Lorelei had a reply. Fortunately, none was needed.

"I hope you will not mind," Mrs. Humphreys said with a hint of impatience, "but there are many others who wish to commend my daughter's performance this evening."

"It would be selfish of us to prevent them from doing so," Desmond said.

"Indeed," Lorelei added. "Thank you once again. It is an evening I shall never forget."

They moved away, allowing the young woman and her mother to continue to hold court with her admirers. When they were finally in the corridor, Desmond glanced about, trying to determine which of the doors might be the best choice for the kisses they meant to share.

He finally picked one that he remembered as a small parlor, and peeked inside. He sighed with relief that it was empty, pulling Lorelei in with him and closing the door.

He leaned against the door and drew her into his embrace. She linked her arms behind his neck, and despite the slightly darkened interior, he could see the amusement in her expression.

"I feared the musical performance might have dampened your ardor," she teased. "But it seems it has increased."

He placed his lips on hers, treasuring the softness, as well as the way she leaned into the kiss. He whispered against her mouth. "You can take all the credit for my ardor, Lorelei. Nothing is capable of dampening it."

"That is quite a declaration." She dotted kisses against his lips, exploring him slowly, as he had done with her hand earlier. "I am glad it is impossible to diminish. After all, we have a multitude of mistletoe berries in my reticule, and it may take quite some time to utilize each one."

He grinned and kissed the tip of her nose. "I am too impatient to have you withdraw a berry for each kiss. Could you estimate how many are contained there? We can count them off as we go along."

"An excellent plan. I counted easily a hundred, but there could be more. I had to halt in order to ensure we were not late this evening."

"A hundred?" He nodded as if considering the information. He kissed the shell of her ear, enjoying how she made the most delightful murmur of enjoyment. "We had best begin if we are to accomplish that number."

He wrapped his arms more tightly around her, pulling her into his very willing body, and kissed her with all the passion he possessed.

It was not long before they were both breathless and wanting more. Lorelei began to walk slowly backwards, his arms around her preventing a disastrous tumble. They bumped against the back of a settee.

Lorelei chuckled. "We could make better use of this if we were on the other side."

An unexpected male voice replied, "I hope you will allow me to make my exit first."

Lorelei gasped and then buried a laugh in Desmond's chest. Desmond kept his arms wrapped around her as the gentleman on the sofa slowly sat up, and then rose to his feet to greet them.

"My apologies," he said. "I had nipped in here for a brief respite. My daughter's singing—"

"Is unlike anything we have ever experienced," Desmond answered smoothly, hoping it sounded more like a compliment than it did to his own ears.

Lorelei spun around. "Truly," she added in a solemn voice.

The man grinned. "I love her dearly but the poor mite screeches like a mouse caught in a trap. I know nothing about music, however, so perhaps I am unable to appreciate it the way my wife does."

Once again, Desmond was at a loss how to answer, and Lorelei seemingly had nothing to offer either. Broad smiles were the best they could manage.

The man laughed

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