Mistletoe and Mayhem - Cheryl Bolen Page 0,186

if we ever attempt to sing a single note."

"I wonder if we are not the recipient of an elaborate falsehood," Lorelei said, "to prevent them from being enlisted in participating this evening."

"I suspect you are correct," Beatrice said.

"There is something to be said for appreciating those with talent," Desmond said smoothly. He held his arm out toward Lorelei, and she placed her hand atop his forearm. "Shall we?"

Lorelei winced, but managed to keep her fingers away from her temple—or worse, plugging her ears to block the sound emanating from the young woman at the front of the room.

"Are you certain," she whispered to Desmond, "that you cannot be persuaded to deliver a tune? It would be the charitable thing to do in this moment."

He continued looking straight ahead, but she saw his lips twitching with amusement. "I would not wish anyone to believe it was a competition. It might never cease otherwise."

"You are probably correct. I believe this song is nearly finished. Oh, dear. She is repeating the previous refrain."

She started to reach for her temple, to rub at the headache threatening to begin, but Desmond took her hand in his, managing to hold it without calling attention to his action. It was a bold thing to do in a room filled with so many people, surrounding them on all sides.

He turned his head slightly, raising his eyebrows, asking her permission. Her breath caught in her throat but she managed a brief nod. She could not deny he captivated her at every turn. Still, she knew it was a momentary sensation, one that would fade away before too long, and it was her obligation to make sure she had departed before the feelings did.

But for the first time, it seemed Desmond was going to make that a challenge for her.

Her hand was gloved, as was his, so there was not anything entirely untoward. Yet it bordered on scandalous, touching like this, as if they were alone. It made her wish they were. Perhaps she would have to suggest it. They were heading that direction ultimately. Why not head there now?

Desmond slowly stroked her hand, giving it as much attention as if her bare skin was beneath his. She couldn't halt a slight shudder at the mere thought. He stopped momentarily and then gave her hand a quick squeeze, as if to say he felt the same way.

He traced her palm, gliding over her wrist, and then repeated the action several times. Her body responded instantly, even though she tried to suppress it. Her cheeks were heated, as if she were too close to a blazing fire, and she suspected her exposed chest was equally flushed. The portions covered by her silk dress? It was a wonder the fabric had not erupted in flames.

Lorelei was just about to implore Desmond to escape with her to another room, no matter what sort of scandal it might cause, but he unexpectedly removed his hand. She bit back a protest at the abrupt change until she realized he was applauding, along with the other guests.

She nearly laughed at the crowd's enthusiastic reaction to the song concluding at long last. "I cannot thank you enough for the diversion you provided. I did not leave room in my reticule for smelling salts or a headache powder."

He grinned back at her. "It was a diversion for me as well. Though I must confess, I may need a diversion from the wayward thoughts caused by the diversion—"

"I may have just the remedy." She patted her reticule. "Shall we?"

Desmond followed Lorelei as they made their way to the back of the room. He was impatient to have her in his embrace. His caressing of her hand had stirred him in ways he had not expected. In truth, he had meant to entice her, and now he was racing to slake the passion she elicited so easily in him.

They had nearly made their escape when they were stopped by the young woman who had been recently singing. Her very proud mama stood next to her, blocking their exit.

"It seems she is expecting accolades," Lorelei whispered.

"And we shall not be able to pass until it is accomplished. I am rather impressed by her strategy."

"I may employ it in future." Lorelei halted, unable to do anything else. "Mrs. Humphreys, what a pleasure to see you again."

The woman gave a brief smile. "It has been some time since your last visit. So much has changed." She turned her beaming gaze toward her daughter.

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