Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,33

at your place?

“Shit,” I say to no one in particular as I stare at the phone in disbelief.

Sage bounces up and down in her chair. “What, what’s happening? What is he saying?”

“Shut up, shut up, shut up,” I half yell at her while trying to deal with the fact that I’m completely flustered.

Me: Wait, what?

Nathan: Don’t answer that. I’ll be at your place in twenty minutes.

Me: Seriously? What about your sister?

Nathan: Tori, pay your tab NOW and meet me at your place.

I put the phone down and stare wide-eyed at a grinning Sage.

“Oh, shit.”


“He wants to meet me at my place.”

“Well, what are you waiting for? I’ve got the tab, you go.”

“Oh, shit, really?”

“Yes, really go.” She shoves my arm with a laugh.

“Okay, thanks.” I get up, grabbing my purse as I go. “Oh, tell Ivy I said bye.”

“She’s with a random guy at the bar; I may never see her again. I’m going to sext my husband for a few while I finish my drink.”

“Is that a game you should be playing with Jackson?”

“Absolutely not,” she says with a wink. “Now go.”

I shake my head at her before turning and rushing out of the restaurant. I’m glad things have worked out so well for her, and a part of me is jealous of that because deep down I want that for myself. It takes me longer than I anticipated to flag down a cab, and I curse myself for telling Parker to take the rest of the night off. My phone beeps just as I finally hop into one.

Nathan: You better be on your way home, babe. I’ll be there soon.

Oh. My. God. What in the hell is happening right now? I’m so fucking turned on right now that I squeeze my legs together to try to relieve some of the pressure that’s building up. It feels like it takes forever to get to my building, but I have a few minutes to spare. I’m hoping this gives me some time to freshen up before Nathan gets here. I pay the cabbie and rush out of the idling car. I attempt to break into a run but the hard body that I’ve just slammed right into foils my attempt. Strong arms around my waist hoist me up and fantastic lips assault mine. I open my mouth, allowing the kiss to deepen, and I melt. I melt into him, into everything that he is, everything I want him to be, what I so desperately need him to be.

“You rushing home for me, baby?” I hear when the kiss finally ends.

I lean back so that I can look down at Nathan, his handsome face darkened by the same exact lust I feel.

“Yes,” I reply breathily.

“Well then, let’s get you home.”

“What about your sister?”

“Took her out and now she’s at my place relaxing. Told her that I’d be back to take her to the airport, but she told me that she’d hired a car service. I said my good-byes before I left.”

I nod my acceptance, holding onto him as he sets me back down on the ground and leads me inside, giving the doorman a brief hello as we go. The tension swirls around us in the elevator as we ride up to my floor. I unlock my door and let us in my dark apartment, only turning on the dim lights in the entryway.

“Look at me, Victoria,” I hear him call as I drop my purse on a nearby chair. I do as I’m told and turn to meet his gaze. The expression on his face draws me in, making me literally want to throw myself bodily at him.

“Do you want this?”

I want so badly to believe in him, to believe that he could be the one who makes a difference in my life, the one who proves to be unlike all the other men I’ve been with. I want to accept that we can be together, and if given the opportunity, he can handle all that I am, and the massive career baggage that I carry. I don’t know if he’s that man, but tonight, I’m choosing to believe in the possibilities.

“I want it.”

In two strides, he’s in front of me, and his hand is on my face stroking my cheek.

“So pretty,” he murmurs as his lips descend onto mine. This kiss is unlike any other that we’ve shared because this one is full of all of my hopes. He lifts me up and carries me into the bedroom, setting

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