Mirage - Alice Tribue Page 0,32

noon, and I gave him a tour of the offices and chatted with him a bit before giving him the go-ahead to start on Monday morning. After I had done that, I had a mild panic attack and had to call Ivy in to talk me down. She suggested a girls’ night out, or demanded actually, seeing as when I tried to leave the office at six o’clock, she blocked the doorway.

That’s how I ended up here at this trendy little lounge with comfy seats, a bar with nothing but top-shelf liquor, and Ivy and Sage giggling about every little thing.

Sage shakes her head at me. “Okay, tell me everything about Nathan. I can’t believe you’ve been holding out on me.”

My relationship with Sage is complicated, to say the least. She started off a few years ago as one of my escorts and somehow ended up falling in love and then getting married to her first and only client, Jackson Stone. Jackson also happens to be a close friend of mine, though ever since he met Sage, his availability has plummeted. He’s all about her and their little family now, and I can’t say that I blame him. She’s absolutely stunning.

“There’s nothing to tell. He’s sweet, kind, and smart.”

“Don’t forget hot. The boy is hot as fuck,” Ivy chimes in, taking a gulp of drink number three.

“Really?” Sage squeals with excitement.

“All right,” I concede with a giggle. “Yes, he is pretty damn hot, but that’s not why I like him. I’m not that superficial.”

Sage gives me a grin. “Then what’s the problem?”

“You of all people should know what the problem is. I can’t let just anybody into my life; there’s too much risk involved.”

“Then stop, Victoria. You have to know that the more time you spend doing this, the more time that passes, the deeper you get. If anything ever went down, you could end up…”

“Don’t say that shit; this is supposed to be a fun night out,” Ivy whines.

“She needs to hear this; this is her life,” she barks at Ivy. She faces me again. “I know that I ended up working for you briefly but that doesn’t make any of this okay. You need to get out now, Victoria, before you end up in jail. You’ve made a fortune and you don’t have to work another day in your life if you choose not to. Plus, you still have the spa. You’ll be fine.”

“I know.”

“You’re never going to be able to settle down with someone with this hanging over your head. If it’s not Nathan, then it will be some other man who you want to be with and it’s going to be clouded in secrets and lies. You can’t live like this forever.”

“You’re right. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but there are just so many variables to think about.”

“No, there are only two factors that you need to consider, guaranteed freedom or possible incarceration.”

“Jesus, I need another drink,” Ivy says with a sigh. She gets up and walks away.

I smile and shake my head at Sage. “I hear everything that you’re saying, and I get it. I promise that I’ll consider it.”


“Now, tell me what to do about this thing with Nathan and his guy coming to work for me. I’m kind of freaking out.”

“Well, it’s not like he’s going to have access to your office or private records, right?”

“Right. He’s just there to make sure we’re protected at all times since there’s no security in the building.”

“It’ll be fine, Victoria. You’re worrying over nothing.”

“You’re right,” I agree sipping the last of my drink.

“So, why aren’t you with Mr. Wonderful right now?”

“His sister is in town, and he’s spending time with her.”

“Well shit, it’s almost eleven o’clock. They can’t be out this late.”

“We are.”

“Text him.”

“What? No.”

“Yes. Text him right now and tell him that you want to see him.”


“Yes, but make it flirty.”

I don’t know if it’s the two drinks I’ve downed or Sage egging me on, but I pull out my cell and type out a text message.

Me: Out with the girls, wish you were here.

I want to take it back as soon as I hit send, but it’s too late now. It takes a few minutes but he finally responds.

Nathan: Where are you?

Me: Rooftop bar

Nathan: Are you still wearing that dress you had on this morning?

I try to suppress the giggle that is trying to emerge as I type out my answer.

Me: Yes

Nathan: You want me to meet you there or

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