Midnight Sun Page 0,209

I growled.

I pulled Bella onto my back while trying to be as gentle as possible. She secured herself to me by wrapping her legs around my waist and pulling her arms around my neck. The warmth rippled down my body.

"Don't forget to close your eyes," I reminded her.

She lodged her face into my shoulder and it sent a jolt of electricity through me. I could feel her warm breath. I broke into a run and her pulse picked up, her heart beating out large palpitations.

It only took a matter of minutes before we arrived just outside the clearing where my family was already preparing to play ball. Bella did not move as I stood there waiting for her to let go. I was terrified that she had opened her eyes and fallen sick like before. I reached behind me and ran my fingers through her silky hair gently.

"It's over, Bella," I said softly.

She sighed in relief and she was suddenly no longer wrapped around me. I heard a pulpous noise that was followed by, "Oh!"

I turned around swiftly worried she had hurt herself. I did the smallest of double takes before I saw her expression and the tension finally broke between us. Her face was screwed up in embarrassment. I was trying my hardest to hold in laughter but I was unable to. I barked out a laugh. Her expression had twisted into indignation and chagrin. She pushed herself off the ground while brushing dirt and bracken off of her backside. She turned, muttering silently, and marched off in the wrong direction.

A smile was still on my face as I wrapped my arm around her waist. "Where are you going, Bella?"

"To watch a baseball game. You don't seem to be interested in playing anymore, but I'm sure the others will have fun without you," she said bitterly.

"You're going the wrong way," I said coolly.

She turned on her heal with a firm and purposeful tread in the opposite direction. I shook my head back and forth at her and grabbed her around the waist a second time.

"Don't be mad, I couldn't help myself. You should have seen your face," I tried to explain but a chuckle broke through my composure.

She looked at me haughtily. "Oh, you're the only one who's allowed to get mad?" she asked while raising her eyebrows.

I paused for a moment and studied her face. "I wasn't mad at you."

"'Bella, you'll be the death of me'?" she quoted crisply.

"That was simply a statement of fact," I said while still trying to hold in my amusement.

She gave me a look of pure abhorrence and turned to stride away again. In a quick motion I pulled her to my chest. I couldn't take it if she left me now.

"You were mad," she persisted, her face stricken.


"But you just said -" she began.

"That I wasn't mad at you. Can't you see that, Bella?" I asked patiently. "Don't you understand?"

I felt completely exasperated. She was so sweet, loving...fragile; there was nothing she could do to make me upset at her.

She pursed her lips. "See what?" she insisted with a confused expression.

"I'm never angry with you - how could I be? Brave, trusting...warm as you are," I explained.

"Then why?" she asked softly.

I analyzed her face, trying to read her mind once again. I reached the barrier I always did while trying to probe her mind, the silence persisted. She looked just as confused as ever. I sighed and pulled her delicate face in my cold palms. Her cheeks instantly warmed my whole body. I looked her straight in the eyes. "I infuriate myself," I said quietly. "The way I can't seem to keep from putting you in danger. My very existence puts you at risk. Sometimes I truly hate myself. I should be stronger; I should be able to -"

She placed her warm palm over my mouth touching my lips softly. "Don't."

She stared into my eyes, the depth of her eyes were communicating with mine. I put my hand over hers and moved it to my cheek. The warmth radiated off of her skin and deep into my body. I felt the sudden urge to bring our lips together and tell her how much I loved her. The words were exiting my mouth before I made the decision to do so. "I love you," I stated. "It's a poor excuse for what I'm doing, but it's still true."

Her face softened at my words. "Now, please try to behave yourself," I pleaded as I

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