Midnight Sun Page 0,208

the door open and hopped out of the Jeep and in less than a second I was on her side of the Jeep unbuckling her seat belt. She stared at me indignantly.

"I'll get those, you go on ahead," she protested.

I finally unbuckled all of the straps and decided teasing was the best way to go, "Hmmm...," I mused, "It seems I'm going to have to tamper with your memory."

I pulled her into my arms and sat her gently on the ground.

"Tamper with my memory?" she asked anxiously.

"Something like that," I teased.

It was no longer raining and the mist was falling into her hair sending the sweet seductive scent evaporating into every particle of air around us. I took in a generous amount of the air in between us. I decided a distraction was needed so I could get her into the clearing.

She was leaning against the Jeep and I took two hasty steps until I trapped her there by placing both of my hands on either side of her. I brought my body ever closer to hers. She backed away slightly but didn't seem to mind my closeness. Her warm body enveloped me as I brought my face ever closer to hers. I wanted to place my lips to hers. I was nervous to see what her reaction would be this time.

"Now," I breathed, "what exactly are you worrying about?"

"Well, um, hitting a tree -" she gulped, "- and dying. And then getting sick."

I remembered both times when she got sick; at school and after running with me. I couldn't help but smile at the memories but quickly smoothed my face. I moved the few extra inches until her warm breath was now in my mouth. I brought my lips to the hollow at the base of her throat. I kissed lightly moving my nose under her jaw lightly.

"Are you still worried now?" I breathed on her skin making her tremble in pleasure.

"Yes." her voice quivered in bliss, "About hitting trees and getting sick."

Apparently I wasn't distracting her enough though I was thoroughly distracted. I was euphoric. I trailed the tip of my nose up her throat and down her jaw line to the tip of her chin.

"And now?" I whispered while breathing in her every breath.

"Trees," she inhaled, "Motion sickness."

I brought my lips to her eyes and kissed her eye lids, "Bella, you don't really think I would hit a tree, do you?"

"No, but I might," her confidence failing extravagantly.

I began my journey to her mouth. I kissed slowly down her cheek letting her skin warm them. I brought my lips to the corner of her mouth. Gently, I let my bottom lip softly brush against hers.

"Would I let a tree hurt you?"

My lips were barely touching her. A curious sensation crawled up my throat. With every touch of our lips electricity shot through my body sending a joyous feeling through my veins. Her bottom lip was trembling in absolute pleasure. I took in several generous gulps of her breath.

"No," she breathed against my lips.

"You see," I said my lips touching hers as I spoke, "There's nothing to be afraid of, is there?"

"No," she sighed and she became limp against the Jeep, giving up.

I pulled her face into my hands a little rougher than usual and brought my lips to hers fiercely. Our lips were moving together and we were both panting heavily at the sensations shooting through our bodies. She brought her arms around my neck bringing me closer to her. We embraced frantically while our bodies were welded together. My hands moved eagerly to her back bringing her closer to my chest while bowing her body against mine. She was quivering with delight as her lips parted slightly and she sighed heavily bringing her breath deep in my lungs. Excitement exploded in the pit of my stomach.

I let go and staggered back several steps, flustered, realizing this was the only sensible course of action. I couldn't believe I let myself get so out of control.

"Damn it, Bella!" I was gasping, "You'll be the death of me, I swear you will."

I watched as she leaned forward placing her hands on her knees and panting.

"You're indestructible," she mumbled while continuing to breathe heavily.

I was so angry at myself for letting it get that far. I monster inside me wanted me to lose control and I couldn't let that happen.

"I might have believed that before I met you. Now let's get out of here before I do something really stupid,"

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