Midnight Caller - By Diane Burke Page 0,62

eyes shut. How could he blame her? Look at him. Shot and lying in a hospital bed. One of the reasons he’d never pursued a serious relationship with anyone. And the very thing that scared Erin the most. Besides, they’d agreed to be friends, nothing more. So why did he feel so cold and empty inside?

Patrick stood by the bed. “Give her some time, son. She’s had a lot happen. She’s lost her best friend. You were shot on her front porch. Some psycho is stalking her.” Patrick patted his arm. “She’s running scared.”

“You’re a good friend. Thanks for the visits. I appreciate them more than you know.”

Patrick’s voice sounded gruff. “Heck, I look forward to the visits. Being cooped up with two feuding women ain’t no picnic.”

Before Tony could respond, the door opened and Detectives Winters and Spence stepped inside.

“Tony.” Winters nodded in his direction. “Could we speak to you alone for a minute?”

“It’s time for me to head out, anyhow.” The older man nodded. “I’ll stop in again tomorrow.”

After he left, Spence approached the bed. Grinning from ear to ear, he said, “We wanted to be the first to tell you.”

“Tell me what?” Tony glanced from one to the other.

Winters smiled. “We’ve found our killer.”

Erin peeled apples for a pie. “How much longer are you going to give me the silent treatment?”

“I’m doing no such thing.” Tess, her back to Erin, kept washing the lunch dishes.

“You haven’t spoken more than a half-dozen sentences to me for three days now.”

“Harumph.” Tess turned on the small television on the kitchen counter and pretended to be interested in the news.

“Tess, this is ridiculous.”

The older woman spun around in a huff. “I agree with you on that one. This whole thing is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Look, I know you don’t want me to stop seeing Tony, but…”

“Whether you date him or not is your own business. But that lad has been very good to this family. He’s done wonderful things for Jack. He worked himself half to death trying to find Carol when she disappeared. If you think it was easy for him to deliver the horrible news about her death, you better think again. He was like a rock for all of us through the whole tragic ordeal. He wouldn’t have been standing on our porch in the first place if he wasn’t there to protect you.”

Erin drew in a deep breath and a sharp pain seized her chest. “I know. You’re right. He’s a wonderful guy. I’ve never met anyone as kind or considerate or dependable in my whole life.”

“And this is how you say ‘thank you’?” Two red spots of anger colored Tess’s cheeks. “You leave him lying in a hospital bed all alone. It’s not right.”

Her own temper stirred. “You know I call the nurse’s desk twice a day, every day, and check on him. And Patrick goes every day to visit.”

Tess looked directly at her. “I’m not thinkin’ ’tis Patrick’s face the lad wants to see.”

Erin allowed her temper to get the best of her. “Don’t stand there and criticize me. You don’t know how I feel. You have no idea how hard it’s been for me.” Her voice trembled and her hands shook. Ashamed for yelling at her aunt, she tried to rein in her temper. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have raised my voice.” She put down the half-pared apple and the knife. “Don’t you understand? Sometimes the pain is so intense I can’t even breathe. My heart is shattered into a thousand pieces and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put it back together again. I love him, Tess. Leaving him was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

Her aunt’s eyes widened but she remained silent.

“Yes, you heard me. I love Tony,” Erin whispered. “It’s killing me not to go to the hospital to be with him. So maybe you could cut me a little slack here. I’m doing the best that I can.”

Tess stared hard at her niece. “You’re right. I don’t understand.” She reached out and squeezed Erin’s hand. “But I want to. Talk to me.”

Erin’s eyes burned with unshed tears. “I’ve told you. I’ve told him. I’ve told everyone, but no one listens to me.”

Tess raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve had such a hard time trusting men ever since Dennis walked out on us. I never wanted to give my heart to anyone again. Didn’t believe I’d ever find a man worth taking that chance.” Her eyes filled with tears.

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