Mess Us Up – Jaxson Kidman Page 0,26

are gone.

Tossed between the bed and the floor.

Mac kisses me at my inner thigh making me suck in a breath and I hold it.

He teases me down there with his lips and tongue, taking a break to take his shirt off.

He then kisses up my body, making a straight line while he takes his jeans off.

His hands slide around my body and he pulls me against his hard and warm skin.

The muscle… ohmygod…

He’s so cut and toned, it’s almost unfair.

Mac moves me to the top of the bed.

He moves the top cover down so he can pull it over us.

Now I’m smothered by Mac.

All I can breath and taste is him.

His skin.

His breath.

Our kisses.

The heat between our bodies.

He lowers himself down to me… in me…

I bite my lip again and shut my eyes.

I’m living in hell, but at least I can still feel heaven.



She faces the wall.

My fingertips slide down her arm. Then I move my fingertips to her hip. That’s my second favorite curve on her body. You can guess the first one.

I slide my fingertips down her leg until she wiggles.

So I know exactly where she’s ticklish now.

Her hair is sprawled out on the pillow.

I purposely dip my nose down to her hair and take a breath.

Yeah, I’m smelling her hair.

Smelling her fucking hair.

I’m so far in outer space with Jolie, I’m in a different galaxy.

I move my hand from her body because I know I have about thirty seconds before I get hard again. And if that happens, we’re never going to talk.

And, again, here I am… fucking Jolie… and I would rather talk than fuck?

I press my lips to her shoulder and kiss her.

I move from the bed and find my jeans.

Then I find a cigarette.

I light it and open the window a little.

My eyes never leave Jolie though.

She slowly rolls to her back and looks at me.

The sheets are just above her chest.

Cleavage is a beautiful thing… but sheet cleavage is even better.

Jolie bites her lips and stares at me.

“What happened today, sweetie?”

She swallows hard and shuts her eyes.

A few seconds later, a tear moves from her eye down her cheek.

I move back to the bed and lean down and wipe the tear away.

“Talk to me, sweetie,” I whisper. “I did not expect that call…”

“Call?” Jolie asks.

“Yeah. Declan called me. Said you were out walking around and got caught.”

She shut her eyes again and shakes her head. “I’m so stupid, Mac.”

“You’re not stupid, Jolie. What’s done is done.”

She looks at me. “It just… it just got to me. And I thought I could do it. So I walked around the block. I was only going to do it once. But I didn’t stop at one time. And then I smelled something. So I went down to that corner place.”

“You went inside?” I ask.

“Yeah,” Jolie says. “I was fine too. Nobody even looked at me. I grabbed a sandwich and took it to the counter. Then a man touched me and…”

I take a long drag off my cigarette. “A man?”

“Yeah,” she says. “He started freaking out about me. That I was the kidnapped girl. And I panicked. I took off running. He chased after me. I made it, I don’t know, a block or so and then he stopped chasing me. So I came back here. But it was too late. There were sirens. The cops were coming. And Mama Dae…” Jolie takes a breath. “I was in the basement, Mac. I was in that room…”

I turn my head and look out the window.


Of course Mama would make her go down there.

Why not, right?

It was a form of punishment.

Because Mama would never physically hurt Jolie. At least, not at that moment.

“Mac, what is that room?” Jolie asks.

“Doesn’t matter,” I say. “What happened after you were in that room?”

“I heard a cop’s voice,” she says. “Then Declan showed up. He took control of everything. He came down into the basement and saw me. Then he made up a lie to get him and the other cop out of the house. I’m so sorry, Mac. I didn’t… I mean, of course I knew what could happen. I just couldn’t take it anymore. I’m really starting to feel kidnapped now…”

She sucks in a breath.

I take one more drag of my cigarette and then smash it against the windowsill before flicking it out the window.

I sit down on the bed with my back to her.

She touches my back.

And, damn, there’s nothing like that feeling.

Jolie touching me.

It’s like this reminder that Copyright 2016 - 2024