Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,81

corrected him in a tone that suggested he had said it a thousand times.

‘Okay,’ Steel acknowledged. ‘A proposal that provides the foundations on which you and Neravista could possibly build an understanding.’

Hector shrugged to confirm that he considered the statement close enough.

‘A speedy and sustainable end to the conflict is all that we - as in “my people” - are concerned with at the moment,’ Steel added.

‘Sebastian’s death could seriously upset this strategy, at least for some months,’ Hector warned.

‘Then why did you try to kill him?’ Ventura asked.

‘I didn’t,’ Hector insisted, looking at Steel.

Steel drew on his cigar before realising that both men were looking at him. ‘Why’re you lookin’ at me?’ he asked, unable to suppress a grin.

‘I know that one of Julio’s men planted the bomb,’ Hector said. ‘What did you promise him?’

Steel blew out smoke and shrugged, knowing when he was cornered. But it was no big deal to him. ‘A US passport. But not to kill Sebastian. He arranged the booby trap in the weapons cache and was supposed to maintain the confusion.’

Hector shook his head in disappointment.

‘It was Julio’s idea,’ Steel added.

‘Julio has never had an idea of his own in his life,’ Hector said accusingly.

‘It sounds like Victor thinks it was you,’ Steel said, sounding amused.

‘Don’t worry about Victor. He won’t be telling anyone any of his suspicions after tonight,’ Hector said.

The news did not faze the other two men.

‘I appreciate the personal difficulties you might have in sanctioning Sebastian’s death,’ Ventura offered. ‘Which is why I think it would be best if you did not have that burden.’

‘You think that makes it any easier for me, letting you do it?’

‘I am right, though, aren’t I?’ Ventura said, looking at Steel as if he were speaking to him. ‘I don’t believe the peace negotiations will be jeopardised by Sebastian’s death. On the contrary. I believe it will speed the process.’

Hector took a sword from the wall and weighed it in his hand. ‘They would not be jeopardised by your absence either, Ventura.’

Ventura gave him a piercing look, angered more by Hector’s insolence than the physical threat.

‘Gentlemen,’ Steel said soothingly. ‘We’re allowing our emotions to run a little high. I agree with Hector that we must be sure about the effect any mishap that might befall Sebastian could have on the people. I also agree with him that the decision on how to proceed in that matter should come from the revolutionaries themselves. Surely they are best placed to decide on that subject and they are also the best people to absorb the repercussions. But, Hector, I must agree with Ventura that you are perhaps too emotionally involved to make the best judgement call here. You do see that, don’t you?’

Hector’s silence seemed to indicate that he agreed, in principle at any rate.

‘Well,’ Steel announced, getting up from his seat and finishing off his brandy. ‘I’ve gotta go.’

Ventura too got to his feet, placed his unfinished glass on the table and stubbed out his cigar. ‘Me, too,’ he agreed.

‘Why don’t you think about it, Hector?’ Steel suggested. ‘This is the perfect time to strike. Neravista is mighty pissed about losing his brother. You push your demands, back them up with an assurance that you’ll take care of the man who killed Chemora and you just might get a good piece of what you want.’

Hector glanced at him. It was something that he had not considered.

‘Thanks for your hospitality,’ Steel said as he strode out of the room, followed by Ventura.

The two men left the cabin and walked into the night towards the main camp, its fires burning in the distance.

‘That was clever,’ Ventura said. ‘I hope Hector is intelligent enough to see it.

‘Was it? It is an issue, though. How to get rid of a legend without the legend biting you in the ass at the same time.’

‘Have the legend die at the hands of someone he trusts - or make it look like that, at least.’

Steel drew on his cigar. ‘You mean Julio?’

‘No. He’s unreliable. What if Sebastian was killed by outsiders?’ Ventura suggested.

‘What would their purpose be?’

‘What’s yours?’

Steel smiled, glancing at Ventura. ‘You mean, if the Americans were to be accused?’

‘Why not? You have to pay a price at some time. Playing one side off against the other has not produced the results you wanted. You have big shoulders.’

Steel contemplated the idea. ‘I would have to cover my own ass. I don’t mind Uncle Sam getting the blame but I don’t want Copyright 2016 - 2024