Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,80

would put my arm around you and say, “Sure, Victor, let’s find a way to all live together, you’re a great guy, Victor”? You have no importance to me or to anyone, actually, and that includes Sebastian.’

Desperation began to gnaw at Victor. His planned dialogue was falling apart at the seams. He had believed that being Sebastian’s number two might count for something outside of his own commander’s cabin but Hector’s ridicule was battering his self-confidence. He became flustered and started to lose the thread of his argument. All that was left was a suspicion he had developed about the attempt on Sebastian’s life and, perhaps in desperation to be taken seriously, he could not help but blurt it out. ‘I don’t think it was a coincidence that the bomb in Sebastian’s house detonated when it was known that Louisa would be out of the camp for several days.’

Hector stared at him with narrowed eyes. ‘You go too far with your suggestions.’

Victor’s blood was now up. Louisa was Hector’s one obvious weakness and he decided to go for it. ‘It’s you who’ve gone too far,’ he said. ‘You’ve lost her heart to another because of your actions.’

Hector got to his feet, his face reddening. ‘That is a personal insult. I should kill you where you stand but I will still observe a visitor’s right - even yours - to safety.’

‘She’s no longer yours - if she ever was.’

Hector stared at him, his teeth bared. ‘Who is he?’

‘It doesn’t matter, other than he shares Louisa’s political convictions. But doesn’t it even hint to you that you’re wrong?’

‘Get out of here,’ Hector said, drawing his machete. ‘One more word and I will kill you where you stand. I don’t ever want to see your face again! Go!’

Victor stepped back at the vehemence in the other man’s words, turned for the door and left the cabin.

He put on his hat as he marched to his horse and climbed onto it. He rode away looking back over his shoulder, uneasy that the threat to his life had not gone.

Hector stepped outside to see the Frenchman disappear into the darkness. He put his machete back in its sheath as he looked over at the group of men, focusing on one in particular. It was the one who had delivered the message to Louisa at the stables. The man responded to Hector’s gesture of summons and hurried to his master. After a few brief words he walked away, at the same time alerting subordinates of his own who quickly followed him.

Hector went back inside his cabin and closed the door. Victor’s words about Louisa had wounded him. He walked over to an ornately carved dresser, pulled open a drawer and removed something wrapped in a scarf. He smelled the material and even though the perfume that had once pervaded it was long gone the smell of the scarf itself prompted memories of her. He removed it to reveal the frame with Louisa’s picture in it that he had stolen from Sebastian’s house all those years ago. His jaw tightened as he studied her eyes, her slight smile and elegant poise. Over the years he had made it his picture. It was him she was looking at, even though she had not known him when it was taken. Something snapped inside of him at the thought of her heart going to another and he threw the frame and scarf into the fireplace.

Unable to watch the flames distort and burn her face into oblivion he turned his back on it and stepped through a door in the far wall into a smoke-filled room where Steel and Ventura were enjoying cigars and brandy.

They watched Hector as he poured himself a drink and downed it in one.

Ventura gave Steel a sideways glance and a knowing smile. ‘Hector? If you don’t mind. The way I see it now, you have two choices. You either remove Sebastian yourself, and soon, or you allow us to.’

‘I told you I would take care of it,’ Hector replied softly.

‘Can I remind you,’ Ventura continued, ‘that there have been two significant occurrences since we last met that have greatly influenced current events. One, Chemora was killed by Sebastian. Two, an attempt on Sebastian’s life failed.’

‘Gentlemen,’ Steel interjected diplomatically. ‘If I may add a little flavour to this stew that you guys are cooking. My people are pleased with the peace proposals as presented by Neravista and agreed to by you, Hector.’

‘There is no agreement yet.’ Hector Copyright 2016 - 2024