Mercenary - By Duncan Falconer Page 0,79

climbed down and tried to ease his aching back and hips. He had never ridden a horse before joining the rebellion and after his first ride he’d realised that his body had long since grown inflexible and would never adapt to sitting astride anything so wide for long periods of time. He had barely recovered from the ride to and from the ambush and within a few minutes of his journey to Hector’s camp all the same aches and pains had returned twofold.

Victor waited for half an hour before someone arrived to escort him inside. He had never been to Hector’s encampment before. The five rebel fortresses were spread in a wide semicircle over several interconnected plateaus, the strategic intention being that they could support each other if they were attacked by Neravistas.

The layout of the camp was difficult to make out in the darkness but it seemed better designed to withstand attack than Sebastian’s. Now that Victor was inside the perimeter he felt nervous and uncomfortable. The rebels he passed seemed to eye him suspiciously and not just because he was an outsider. Their looks felt almost accusatory. Victor wondered if Sebastian was right and that he had developed an overactive imagination that verged on paranoia.

The guide showed him to a large cabin, bigger than Sebastian’s original quarters. He tied off his horse and looked around him. A group of armed men were gathered around a table illuminated by hurricane lamps. They watched him silently, their guns within easy reach. He was tempted to wave but decided against it. They looked a surly crew.

The guide pointed Victor towards the front door of the cabin but did not go near it himself. Victor felt a sudden chill, not in the air but more like a warning from his heart. He told himself to calm down as he removed his hat, marched to the door and opened it.

Hector sat alone inside the comfortably furnished room, reading a document by the light from an elegant candelabrum. A small fire was burning in the grate.

He glanced at Victor before going back to his document. ‘I thought they were mistaken when they told me you were here. Somehow I don’t believe Sebastian sent you.’

‘He did not.’

‘Of course. Why would he?’ Hector said sarcastically. ‘I don’t even understand what you’re doing in this revolution, never mind second in command to a brigade. If there was ever an example of Sebastian’s poor judgement it’s you.’

Victor clenched his jaw and absorbed the abuse. ‘I know you’re angry with me, Hector. Perhaps you have every reason to be. I—’

‘What are you doing here?’ Hector interrupted rudely. ‘I threatened your life the other day, yet here you are, alone in my camp.’ He made a sudden pantomime of looking around. ‘Maybe you have your Indians hidden somewhere,’ he said, his sarcasm undiminished. ‘Or perhaps you’re feeling heroic after blowing up Chemora.’

Victor began to wonder if coming to the camp had been such a good idea. The man was already acting aggressively and Victor had not even said his piece. But he had come all this way and was not going to leave without telling Hector why. ‘I came to see you, Hector, because I’m afraid for the future of this struggle. I’m concerned that the reasons we started it have been lost. And I’m afraid for Sebastian.’

Hector chuckled. ‘You’re afraid for Sebastian? That’s ridiculous. This revolution isn’t about any one person. We’re all expendable.’

‘I think it would be a mistake to allow something to happen to him. He’s still a great symbol to the people.’

‘Why are you coming to me? Why not any of the other council members?’

‘You are their voice.’

‘I am a voice of reason that they agree with.’

‘Someone tried to kill Sebastian.’

‘Oh, so you think I had something to do with it?’

‘I did not say that.’

‘I have no control over those who did.’

‘Then you know who they are.’

‘Don’t try and get smart with me,’ Hector warned him.

Victor took heed and moderated his tone. ‘This bad blood between you and Sebastian - perhaps it’s sending the wrong message to some people. Maybe someone tried to get rid of Sebastian because they thought it’s what you wanted.’

‘You are amazing,Victor.You stand here in my house with your innuendos and ridiculous requests as if you were an equal or even someone of importance. I’m not interested in you or your opinions or anything else you have to say. Did you seriously think when you were daydreaming about coming here that I Copyright 2016 - 2024