The Maverick - By Jan Hudson Page 0,51

I finished up everything earlier today and took the first plane I could get out of New York.” He kept kissing her face.

She began unbuttoning his shirt and pulling it from his pants.

“Let’s go inside,” he said, his voice hoarse.

Reluctantly, she stopped unbuttoning and fished her key from her jeans. She unlocked the door in record time and pulled him inside after her, barely pausing to shut the door.

He kissed her again, almost devouring her like a starving man. She went back to work on the buttons, equally as hungry for him.

He was shucking off her shirt when suddenly a blaring, raucous noise filled the room.

“Oh, my gosh! The alarm.” Cass made a run for the control panel and turned it off just as her phone began to ring. As she grabbed the phone, someone started banging on the door and yelling her name.

“Sorry,” she told the security company on the phone. “I forgot to turn off the alarm when I came in.” She motioned for Griff to get the door as she gave the caller her code.

When Griff opened the door, Hank stood just outside, wearing nothing but shorts and pointing his service revolver.

“Don’t shoot, Hank! Don’t shoot,” Cass shouted. “It’s Griff and me. False alarm.”

Hank lowered his gun. “Damn near gave me a heart attack. Hello, Griff. Cass.” He grinned.

Cass, whose tee was up around her neck, stepped behind Griff, whose shirt was unbuttoned and half off. Thankfully, only a dim lamp illuminated her apartment.

Griff gave a curt nod, and, peeking around his shoulder, Cass said, “Hello, Hank. Sorry to disturb you.”

Still grinning, he said, “Aren’t you going to invite me in for coffee?”

“You’re not dressed,” Griff mumbled.

Cass snorted and giggled, burying her face against Griff’s back.

“Right,” Hank said. His grin didn’t falter. “Another time.”

Griff closed the door in his face and turned back to Cass. “Now where were we?”

She stripped off her tee and threw her arms around his neck. “About here, I think.”

His lips met hers, his tongue plunged into her mouth, and she went went wild in his arms.

“Oh, how I’ve ached for you,” he whispered as he walked her backward to the couch.

“My bed is much more comfortable,” she said, taking him by the hand and heading that way.

She nearly fell, hopping and pulling and trying to get her jeans off.

He steadied her, and they laughed.

“We have all night,” Griff said. “No need to hurry.”

“Maybe you don’t need to, but I do. I’m dying here.” Hopping again, she yanked off one shoe, then the other.

“We can’t have that.” He unhooked her bra, tossed it aside and toed off his own shoes. He bent and took a nipple into his mouth.

She moaned at the sensation. “Oh, Griff.”

“Yes, love?”

“Do that again.”

He went to the other breast, nipping and tasting as he hooked his thumbs in her panties and lowered them for her to step out of. His hands stroked up her legs, and one eased into the juncture.

She almost went through the ceiling with his intimate probing. “Don’t!” she cried. “Stop.” But he continued.

She went through the ceiling and shot to the stars as she throbbed around his fingers with spasm after spasm.

Gasping for breath, she laid her head against his shoulder. “I’m sorry. I told you to stop.”

“I thought you said ‘don’t stop.’ And anyhow, there’s nothing to be sorry about, Cass. Not with me. Ever.” He kissed her gently.

Her desire still wasn’t sated. She longed for him as strongly as ever. Writhing and rubbing her breasts against his chest, she unhooked and unzipped his pants, feeling his hardness.

With swift motions, he stripped off his pants and backed her to the bed. They fell onto the mattress, and she clamped her legs around his waist.

“Oh, babe,” he groaned. “You set me on fire.”

He plunged deeply into her, and she cried out with pleasure. “I love you so much,” she murmured into his ear.

Griff went even wilder. Like a force of nature, he plunged deeper, harder, and she clung to him as he took her to the top again. Her breasts swelled and her womb ached. She could feel him throb and begin to pump into her, and she came again. It was glorious. Beyond glorious. Beyond anything she’d ever felt. It went on and on and on.

“Holy guacamole,” she gasped.

He was still a moment, then he began to laugh.



SOMETIME IN THE MIDDLE of the night, Cass jerked upright in bed. “Ohmygod!”

“’S matter, honey?” Griff mumbled.

“We didn’t use any protection.”

He rolled over. “Would it be so Copyright 2016 - 2024