The Maverick - By Jan Hudson Page 0,50

at the time, and from what I’ve read, our dad made some enemies in the opposite camp.”

When they arrived at Chili Witches, they decided to go into the office and make copies of Iris’s letter, and that Sunny should keep the original in a lockbox at her house. Knowing the media would probably get hold of the story and splash it all over everywhere, they decided to hold off on turning the information over to the police. Maybe Sam could give them some ideas about how best to handle it. After all, Cass reminded her sister, they were under no legal obligation to report what they knew.

“Want to come upstairs?” Cass asked.

“No. I need to get home. Ben and Jay are dropping over later, and we’re going to play miniature golf. Want to go?”

Cass rolled her eyes. “Surely you jest. No, I’m going upstairs to clean my closet and get my mind off this latest disaster. Or wax my legs. Or watch a sappy movie and cry a little bit.” And wish Griff was here.

Sundays were very long when you didn’t have someone to share them with.

HALFWAY THROUGH THE MOVIE, she ran out of tissues and had to resort to a roll of toilet paper tossed on the couch beside her. The movie, although it was a tearjerker, didn’t account for all her weeping. Part of it was loneliness, part of it was sadness over the way her father had died. Part of it was general, wallowing misery over her current circumstances, a vague, amorphous blues. And part of it was probably feeling drained after the emotional day she’d had.

She turned off the television, hugged her knees to her chest and curled her bare toes over the edge of the couch cushion. Why couldn’t life be simple?

Why didn’t Griff call and lift her out of this mood?

Why was she waiting for him to call?

Picking up her cell, she punched in his number. It went directly to voice mail.

Damn. Where was he? Didn’t he know she needed him? Tossing her phone aside, she rested her forehead on her knees and let the despair wash over her.

“Cass? All this will pass.”

She glanced up to see her father sitting in a chair nearby. “Did you know that Iris shot you?”

“She was very hurt and angry. She felt embarrassed and betrayed. You mustn’t resent her. Resentment becomes a festering sore inside you and poisons your whole being. In the end, your negative emotions accomplish nothing and hurt only yourself. Forgiveness is very healing.”

“Did you know she died?”

“I did. She’s very lost right now, but she’ll get better. It would help if you and Sunny would accept her gift. It’s part of her atonement, and I want you to have what’s your birthright. We must all love one another, Cass.”

“I know, but sometimes it’s very difficult. I feel as if my life is in chaos lately.”

“I understand.” His voice was gentle, soothing.

“I love Griff.”

The Senator smiled. “That’s good.”

“But Mom and Aunt Min don’t like him at all, and I don’t think Sunny or the rest of the family are too fond of him, either.”

“Give them time. Everything is going to be all right.”

“I wish I could believe that. I have this awful feeling of impending doom I can’t seem to shake.”

The Senator only smiled and began to fade, leaving behind a whispered, “Trust…”

Chapter Twenty

Tuesday night’s business was brisk, and Cass was happy to see the last customer leave. The staff closed down Chili Witches, and as soon as the last employee was out the back door, Cass set the alarm and locked up. She wasn’t looking forward to sleeping with her stuffed cat again, but hopefully Griff would be back tomorrow. Phone calls just weren’t cutting it.

She started up the back stairs to her apartment, but saw a shadow at the top that didn’t belong there. Her heart accelerated and her foot froze on the step. She didn’t even have pepper spray. Beginning a slow retreat and keeping her eye on the shadow, she was preparing to scream bloody murder and run like hell.

“Cass, it’s me.”



“Griff!” She ran up the stairs and threw herself into his arms.

Their kiss nearly blistered her nail polish.

“Oh, babe.” He held her face between his hands and kissed it all over. “I’ve missed you something crazy.”

“When did you get back?”

“How long does it take to drive from the airport? Add five minutes to that.”

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home tonight?”

“I wanted to surprise you. Are you surprised? Copyright 2016 - 2024