Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,67

all yours. I can’t believe our own boys are all married off now.”

Adam squeezed Riley’s fingers. “We’re talking around Easter. It looks like Riley’s dad will have recovered enough to travel by then, but we need to check the dates our church in Jewel Lake has open.” Wasn’t Mrs. McDiarmid going to love this?

“Well, I hope we’re invited.”


It had been a whole lot easier to talk to Russ and Gloria than Declan and Kathryn. For one thing, the senior Delgados had stood side by side like partners, unlike the Cavanaghs. Declan looked totally out of his element at the end of the gray sofa, while Kathryn sat in her usual armchair with Ezra curled up on her lap. The Yorkie wasn’t asleep, though. He was watchful.

Riley and Adam had dropped to cushions on the floor. It was either that or sit next to Declan, and the sofa didn’t seem long enough. Besides, then he’d be harder to see. Harder to read.

Not that Riley could discern thoughts or emotions on the man’s face anyway.

Declan leaned onto his knees, staring between them. “You wanted to talk to your mother and me, so talk.”

Riley slid her hand into Adam’s for moral support.

Adam’s chin came up slightly. “I’ve asked Riley to marry me, and she said yes.”

Declan’s eyebrows shot up. “If you think this is going to sway me...”

“That’s not why, sir. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past few months. I’ve already confessed them to you and to God—”

“Get to the point.” Declan’s hand chopped through the air.

“Riley and I love each other. It took us a while to realize it after our rocky start, but we do. We want to spend the rest of our lives together, not for the purpose of gaining Running Creek, but because we can’t imagine life without each other. I’ve just gotten off the phone with the Creekside Fellowship secretary—”

“That busybody, Melanie McDiarmid.”

“She means well,” murmured Riley.

Declan shook his head.

“Anyway, we’ve booked the church and hall for the first Saturday in April. We hope you’ll be happy for us.”

“If you think it changes anything, you’re mistaken.” Declan surged to his feet. “It will take more than that to prove yourself to me after all you’ve said and done.”

Adam stood and faced his stepfather. “I understand, sir. I’d like to keep working for you, if you’re willing to have me. To have us. It’s up to you.”

“I could use you around for calving.”

He’d give Adam all the night shifts in the barn, no doubt.

Declan glanced at his wife then back at Adam. “Your mother and I will discuss this later. Meanwhile, have a look at the yearlings in the west pen. Some of them look a little listless.”

“Yes, sir. I’ve got a bit more to say to Mom before we go.”

Declan shrugged and went out.


“Don’t start, Adam.” She smiled at Riley. “I’m happy to welcome you into this family, disjointed as it seems to be. Tell me what you’re thinking for the wedding.”

Adam tugged her over to the newly vacated sofa, and she took a seat beside him. “Well, Adam wants to have Noah and Nathaniel stand up for him.”

Kathryn nodded, smiling.

“I have one sister, Jodie. She’ll be my maid of honor.” Riley hesitated. Was anyone ready for her other choice? She doubted it. “And I’d like to ask Dakota as well.”

“Dakota Erickson?” Adam pulled away, staring at her. “Are you serious?”

“Totally. She’s the closest thing I have to a friend around here, and I’d like to think this might cement our friendship.”

“I’m not sure—”

“I think it’s a great idea,” interrupted Kathryn. “I’m glad to see you’re willing to be her friend. Lord willing, she and Travis will get things worked out yet.”

Adam studied Riley’s face, and she looked up at him, waiting. “You’re sure?”

“I am.”

He brushed a kiss over her lips. “Whatever makes you happy, then. So long as there are no surprises in the groom department.”

“None at all. I’m going to marry you for real, cowboy. Get ready for it.”

His intense gaze warmed her to the core. “Oh, I’m ready, woman.”

And so was she.


“What’s Mama doing?” Toby wiggled his bony backside back and forth on Travis’s leg as he stared toward the front of the sanctuary. The entire platform was bedecked with flowers and candles, providing a backdrop for a grand ceremony. Travis’s stepbrother’s wedding.

How had Dakota finagled her way into the wedding party? It was like she’d betrayed Travis all over again, picking the other side. It must be because he was so Copyright 2016 - 2024