Marry Me for Real, Cowboy - Valerie Comer Page 0,66

guests trooped back toward the house, laughing and talking. The door closed behind the small crowd, leaving Adam and Riley alone in the sub-zero night. Bright stars dotted the moonless night.

She melted against him. “Wow, Sawyer’s mom pulled that together in just one week?”

“Crazy, right?” Nothing had looked like a hasty afterthought, that was for sure. Made Adam wonder how quickly they could put their own wedding together at Rockstead. Except his mom and stepdad didn’t work together like Russ and Gloria Delgado. And there was the minor matter of the way Adam and Declan had left the situation between them.

Adam’s heart sank. A wedding like this one could give a guy hope and fill his mind with possibilities, but Sawyer hadn’t spent months living a lie that had just come into the open. No, since the moment he’d discovered Anna was carrying his child, he’d pursued her openly and with single-minded determination.

Nothing underhanded like Adam had done. Would Declan ever forgive him? Riley’s parents had, but the lie hadn’t been for their benefit to start with.

Several families exited the house, piled into their vehicles, and drove away.

“We should go in and see if we can be of use with the cleanup.” Adam’s thoughts were heavy.

“It was good of Delgados to offer us a place to stay tonight.”

“It was.” The house was nearly as large as Rockstead. Plenty big enough to take in a few strays. Most of the other guests lived in nearby Saddle Springs.


“What, my love?”

“It will be okay. Really.”

He kissed her then, long and hard, before tugging her toward the house. After they’d shed their outerwear, they entered the kitchen where Russ, a hand towel slung over his shoulder, loaded the dishwasher while Gloria packed leftovers into containers.

Russ glanced between Adam and Riley with a knowing smile. “So glad you two could make it. I know it meant a lot to Sawyer.”

Adam chuckled. “As if he even noticed.” The man’s eyes had been riveted to his bride.

“Oh, he noticed, all right. How are things at Rockstead?”

This was the opening Adam had been waiting for. “I’m not sure, sir. I did something very foolish, telling my stepfather Riley and I were engaged when it wasn’t true. I was trying to push him into handing over my dad’s ranch to my brothers and me, but it backfired when he found out it was all a ruse.”

Russ pushed the dishwasher closed. He rested both hands on the island countertop as he studied Adam. “But it’s true now.”

Riley’s hand slipped into his, and Adam grasped it gratefully. “Absolutely true. We had a rocky start, but Riley and I are on the right track now. We’ve forgiven each other. God’s forgiven us. The only problem is my stepfather.”

“I see.”

Adam took a deep breath. “I’m looking for work, and I’m wondering if you could use another hand here at Eaglecrest. I’ve given up hope of reconciliation. Pretty sure I’ve lost all Declan’s respect forever.”

Looking at him pensively, Gloria shifted over beside Russ.

“I’d understand if you didn’t want me around.”

“Oh, Adam, that’s not it at all.” Gloria shook her head. “We’ve all done wrong. So many blunders. But if we repent, God forgives us. Then how can humans keep holding onto grievance?”

She obviously hadn’t met Declan Cavanagh.

Russ glanced at his wife. “My first instinct is that you should stay at Rockstead. Your stepdad needs to see your steadfastness. Your willingness to work and do the right thing. We’ll pray with you. I’m sure God can change his heart and bring him around.”

Even though it gutted him to give up what his dad had worked for, it would be so much easier to wash his hands of Rockstead and Running Creek forever. “Declan told me flat out that if he and God saw eye-to-eye on anything, it would be a coincidence.”

“Don’t you think God is bigger than that show of bravado?”

Good question. Obvious answer. Adam took a deep breath. “You’re right. God can perform a miracle.”

Sawyer’s parents exchanged another look then Russ turned back to Adam. “No doubt you’re entering calving season over there soon as we are here at Eaglecrest. Pray hard, Adam. Work hard. And if, in a few months, Declan is still set against you, let me know. We’ll work something out then if needed.”

A weight lifted off Adam’s heart. “Thank you, sir. You don’t know what this means to me.”

“And me,” put in Riley.

Gloria grinned at Riley. “So, when’s the big day? If you need any help planning a wedding, I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024