Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,47

“You’re right. Of course you’re right.”

“I know.” Fiora took little pleasure in being right about this. “Now, hand me your clothes.”

Jaxx gave a small laugh and did as she said. He stood straight and pulled his shirt over his head.

Her eyes went to his tattoos. “Where did you get these?”

“Some of my mother’s old crew acquires certain items for us,” he said.

“Like the food simulators?”

“Yes. They also brought something called Old Earth moonshine. We drank until we couldn’t see our hands before our faces and then…” He lifted his arm to show his marking.

“You got drunk and woke up with a tattoo,” she concluded.

“I got drunk, lost a bet, and then had to be the first to test the tattoo laser,” he corrected.

“What was the bet?”

“I honestly can’t remember. Moonshine has a way of blurring reality.” He reached to pull out of his boots. “Though I think it had something to do with jumping into a ship’s cooling tank naked.”

She flinched at the very thought of it. “That’s insanity. I’m pretty sure old factions used to do that to torture people.”

“I thought my dragon skin would protect me.” He hooked his fingers into his waistband and stopped. “Before I turn, do you want me to carry you by the arms like last time, or do you wish to ride on my back?”

“Back,” she said, not wanting to dangle in the air again. “That sounds…more solid.”

“I won’t be able to speak to you, but I will understand you,” he said.

“All right.”

“I won’t hurt you.”

“I didn’t think you would.”

“I don’t want you to be frightened. I’m told it can be scary to see the shift.”


“What is it?” He looked as if he might change his mind about taking her up if she but said the word.

“Take your pants off and give them to me.” She gave a meaningful glance at his waist. “Stop stalling.”

“As my lady wishes.” He gave a small bow before tugging his pants off his hips.

Her eyes followed the gesture, and she smiled at the sexy view. “I don’t think we have time to take care of your arousal, do we?”

“I hear Grier and Salena just around the corner.” Jaxx looked down to where his shaft had lifted as proof of his desire for her.

“Because if we did, I am more than willing,” she assured him.

“As am I, but…” He again glanced down the path.

“Fiora? Are you ready?” Salena called.

“Technically yes, but I would rather take time to have sex with Jaxx first,” Fiora answered. Her cheeks heated, and she knew they were turning red at the admission. Under her breath, she muttered, “Damn my curse.”

“I know the feeling, but it will have to wait,” Salena said. “Tell him to shift. I’m coming in one minute to grab his clothes.”

Hard, dark armor grew over his skin. It hid his erection beneath a protective layer. As fascinating as it was to watch, she was sad to see it go.

A loud pop sounded, drawing her eyes back up to his face. Jaxx’s jaw disjointed and pushed forward. Protrusions grew like spikes from his head. She flinched, imagining the pain that he must have felt. His eyes changed shape and filled with the golden glow of his shifted form. His teeth sharpened and lengthened. Talons replaced his nails, and he fell forward to the ground. Wings sprouted from his back.

“Dragon,” she whispered, half in panic, half in awe. She tried to calm the beating of her heart, knowing he wouldn’t hurt her, but still seeing the large beast growing before her caused her stomach to tense with a thread of fear. A tail grew behind him. It swished in the air when he flicked it.

Heat wafted through the air as he breathed, like the blast from a furnace. When his mouth opened, she saw a hint of fire burning in the back of his throat.

Was it too late to change her mind?

The first time she’d flown, she had been overwhelmed with timelines and hadn’t noticed just how monstrous the dragon actually looked, or how large.

No, not monstrous. He wasn’t a monster. This was Jaxx. She knew him, trusted him.

Fiora pushed her initial apprehension aside. She had no reason to fear him. The sound of breaking bones stopped, and he stretched his wings. He turned his attention toward the trees.

As the initial shock of seeing the transformation dissipated, it was replaced by another feeling—attraction. Not so much for the dragon, but for the man inside the dragon. The power of Jaxx’s shift, of Copyright 2016 - 2024