Marked Prince - Michelle M. Pillow Page 0,46

to the place from the stronghold.”

“Flying is much faster than walking,” Grier said.

“Then why aren’t we flying?” Fiora asked. She wanted this trip to be over. “Unless it’s bad etiquette to assume you’d carry us?”

“Not at all. We’ll gladly carry you,” Grier said.

“After last time we didn’t think you’d want to fly,” Jaxx said.

“Because I got sick on you?” Fiora couldn’t blame him.

“No, because you had visions when I touched you in dragon form. Whatever stops them from happening didn’t work when I was shifted.” Jaxx lifted their joined hands and kissed her knuckles. “We can walk.”

“If that is your only reservation, we should fly,” Fiora said. “Selfishly, I don’t want to rush because I would rather this walk last forever. I don’t want to go into the city to read timelines. However, logically, I know the sooner we get to Shelter City, the sooner we will find whatever answers there are to find. Catastrophic disaster is coming, but I don’t know if it’s tomorrow, in a year, in three years. Though with how strong the visions were, I’m guessing it’s sooner rather than later.”

“I don’t want to make this trip any harder on you than it has to be,” Jaxx said.

“And I thank you for that, so make sure you don’t toss me around too much as you fly.” She gave a smile, hoping to illicit one from him in return.

“Fiora’s right,” Salena agreed. “We’ll arrive much faster if you take us.”

“Jaxx?” Grier asked, leaving it up to his cousin.

“Are you sure, Fiora?” Jaxx asked.

She nodded.

“You can change your mind at any moment,” he said. “Just tap me, nudge me, kick me, whatever you want, and I’ll bring you right back down.”

“I will.” She nodded again.

He still looked hesitant.

“I’ll be all right,” she assured him.

“I won’t drop you, but if you were to fall, put your arms out to your side, and I will grab hold of them and catch you,” he said.

Fiora placed her and on his chest. “I trust you, Jaxx.”

He frowned. “And if the visions get too bad—”

“I’ll nudge you,” she assured him, “and you will bring me down.”

Jaxx nodded.

Grier pulled his shirt over his head and handed it to his wife. He watched Jaxx as if trying to decide if his cousin would change his mind.

“I’ll carry the pack,” Salena said, reaching for the bag Jaxx held slung over his shoulder.

Jaxx hesitated before releasing Fiora’s hand to give the bag to Salena.

“Bring me his clothes when he’s done,” Salena said, as she shoved Grier’s shirt into the bag. She walked with Grier up the path until they were hidden from view.

“I supposed we could look at the positives of this experience,” Fiora said.


“You have to remove your clothes to shift into a full dragon,” she said.

Jaxx glanced after his cousin and, not seeing him, stepped closer to Fiora. He cupped her face and turned her mouth to meet his. Passion poured from his kiss, but more than that, she felt his love.

“I want nothing more than to protect you,” he whispered against her mouth. “I don’t want to bring you into danger. I don’t trust myself once I’m shifted not to fly you to a cave and hide you away.”

“I know you won’t do that,” she said.

“The animal inside me wars with the man. I get the logic of what we’re doing, but the dragon…” He pressed his forehead to hers, staying close to her. “The dragon is controlled by his primal instincts.”

“To the man, I will say we must do what we have to in this life, not what we want to. I have seen the honor in you, and in your people. Neither of us can stand aside when so many lives are on the line. It is that trait I see in you, and it is your honor that makes me love you even more.” She tilted her head back to give him a quick kiss before letting her forehead drop forward to touch his once more. His eyes were closed, and his breath fanned against her cheek. “To the dragon, I will say I love you, and it is because you love me that I know you will do what I need you to do. Flying me to a cave might protect my body, but it will kill our souls. We cannot find happiness at the expense of so many others. So, dragon, if you want to save me, then you have to help me.”

He slowly nodded and opened his eyes. Copyright 2016 - 2024