The Man I Thought I Trusted - E. L. Todd Page 0,38

I wanted was to be happy, and she made me really happy. I wasn’t ready—and now I was ready for it all. “Yeah. I do.”



I left the building with a folder of paperwork slipped into my computer bag. I had a source that was able to give me all the documentation to outline the money trail, to find out who their manufacturers were. All I’d have to do was get a couple guys on record, and I’d have the smoking gun.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

I immediately answered it in my typical reporter fashion. “Carson.”

His smile was audible in his tone. “Dax.”

“Oh hey,” I said excitedly. “Sorry, I just finished up with an appointment, and I’m in my crazy journalist mode.”

There was a long pause, almost like he hadn’t heard what I said. Then he ignored it altogether. “Wanted to see if you wanted to get dinner. I just left the office.”

“I am hungry…but what’s new?”

He chuckled. “What are you in the mood for?”

“Maybe a burger or something. Is that cool?”


“Have you been to Mega Shake?”

“Mega what?” he asked, chuckling slightly.

“They’ve got these greasy-ass burgers and these super creamy milk shakes. How do you not know it? You’ve lived in Manhattan your entire life.”

“I guess I didn’t hang out with the cool kids. I’ll meet you there.”

“Alright. See you soon.” I hung up and walked quicker because I was a few blocks away, and I was starving. Minutes later, I walked inside the joint and spotted Dax sitting in one of the booths in his ultra-expensive suit. He looked totally out of place—but still sexy.

He slid his phone into his pocket and rose to greet me, having that sexy shadow along his jawline. He smiled slightly, but his eyes shone much brighter than his mouth, like seeing me was the highlight of his long day. “Hey, sweetheart.” His arm circled my waist, and he leaned down to kiss me.

I melted at his touch, loving the affection in his lips, loving the way he loved me without even saying it.

He pulled away but kept his arm around my waist. “What’s good here?”

“Step aside. I got this.” I walked up to the register, ordered food for both of us, and then handed over my card.

Dax didn’t try to pay for everything all the time. He respected my desire for equality—and that was nice. He never made a stink about his being a billionaire and that the cost of food was literally cents on the dollar to him.

We sat in the booth together with our sodas and listened to the cooks fry everything up.

My computer bag was on the seat beside me against the window, and my ass sighed in relief now that I got to sit down. I’d been running around all day. “How was your day?”

“You know…meetings.” His elbows rested on the table, his wrists slightly exposed along with his Omega watch. His brown hair was perfectly styled like he was ready for a public appearance on the Today Show. “It’s much better now.”

I smiled. “I’m glad I’m more exciting than running a Fortune 500 company.”

“Not too many women can say that.”

I smiled again. “I’m not sure if I deserve that, but thank you.”

“Oh, you definitely do. So, how was your day?”

“Busy. I ran around everywhere.” I pulled my bag close to me and patted it with my hand. “But I got all the paperwork I need from a source to do some digging. I’ve got their manufacturers, so I’ll do a few interviews on the record. Pretty potent evidence.”

He gave me a blank look before he nodded. “Sounds like you’re making progress.”

“I’m doing double time. Gotta stay ten steps ahead.”

Now, the energy at the table was totally different. His affection was long gone, his eyes no longer soft and glued to my face. He turned away and stared across the restaurant, at nothing, really.

I glanced at the cooks and saw them creating our trays of food. I turned back to Dax, who still wasn’t looking at me.

The guy brought the trays over then walked away.

I grabbed a couple fries and put them into my mouth.

He didn’t touch his food. Instead, he stared at it like he’d lost his appetite.

“Did I say something?” He’d taken the sunshine away, and now I was freezing cold.

He stared down for a long time before he grabbed the edge of his tray and pushed it to the side.

When he did that, I lost my appetite too.

“I’m just going to be candid with you right now.” Copyright 2016 - 2024