Malakai (Stone Society #13) - Faith Gibson Page 0,59

security feed, while Abbi showed Josie around the house. A little whirlwind named Amelia wearing a pink tutu was followed by a quiet boy named Connor. The boy fisted his heart and bowed his head like some of the adult males had done.

After Abbi introduced Josie to the kids, Amelia jumped up and down. “Uncle Kai is here? Yay! Are you staying for supper, JoJo?”

Josie laughed at her new nickname, but Abbi temporarily crushed her daughter’s spirit. “You might want to call Josie by her name, Sweetie. You know Aunt Sophia calls her grandfather JoJo.”

“But he’s not my grandfather, and I need my own JoJo.”

“Of course you do.” Abbi ruffled her daughter’s hair as the child skipped off down the hall. Smiling, Abbi turned to Josie. “That kid and her nicknames. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all. She’s adorable.”

Abbi’s smile dimmed. “She had a hard life until we adopted her, but we try really hard to make up for what my husband and his wh— mistress put her through.”

“Your husband?”

Abbi sighed, but her smile remained in place. “I guess you haven’t heard my story. Come on. Let’s get something to drink and go out back.” Josie followed the pretty blonde to the kitchen where Abbi poured them tall glasses of tea. The back deck opened up to a manicured yard complete with a large playset. Josie listened in awe as Abbi related her life, including her brother Matthew, and what they endured. Their mates joined them about halfway through, but both males remained quiet as Abbi talked. Frey lovingly stroked Abbi’s round belly as he held her close. Josie didn’t realize she was crying until Kai wiped her tears with his thumbs.

One of the most shocking bits was that Trevor had been the one to kill Abbi’s husband. “Purple-haired Trevor?”

“Don’t let his quirkiness fool you. That young man is like a momma bear when it comes to Matthew. He’s loyal to the Clan, but he’s taken a special shine to all the mates. Like the rest of us, he has his own story. He will tell you mine is the worst, but they’re all bad in their own ways.”

“Wow. I bet you’re all going to hate me. I had a flat tire, Kai and I got together, end of story.”

“Josie, nobody is going to hate you, but don’t forget Kai almost died, and you suffered greatly as well,” Abbi said. “None of us tries to outdo the others with the severity of our trauma. Instead, we embrace one another when the memories slip back in.”

Amelia burst out the back door. “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy! Come quick. Connor’s doing it again.” Frey and Abbi jumped up, following their daughter.

“Should we go with them?” Josie asked.

“Yes. You need to see for yourself how special Connor is.”

Several silent moments later, Josie experienced the boy’s gift. She really wished she hadn’t.

Chapter Fifteen

Malakai had seen some of Connor’s drawings, but he’d never witnessed the boy having one of his visions. Frey knelt beside his cousin’s son while the boy drew what would become a foreshadowing. It wasn’t until Connor handed the picture to Josie that he wished they had stayed home. No, that wasn’t true. At least this way, Kai was aware of the threat and could do something about it.

“I don’t understand,” Josie muttered. “I don’t know this man.”

Frey looked at the picture over Josie’s shoulder then asked, “Connor, do you know who the man is?”

“No, Sir. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize, Buddy. We know how your ability works, and like every time before, you have given us a gift. Thank you. Now, why don’t you and Amelia take Molly outside to play?” It wasn’t until the kids did as Frey suggested that he noticed the black Lab. Molly trotted behind the kids without being coaxed.

“Let’s go back downstairs,” Frey suggested and led them to the kitchen where they could see the kids playing with the dog. “We need to find out who this is. I’m going to send the photo to Deacon so he can ask Arden if this is Drago.”

“I don’t understand,” Josie said. “Why would I be— Oh.”

“Don’t worry, Sunshine. Connor’s visions give us the heads-up we need to be extra vigilant in keeping you protected. The whole Clan is on high alert and will remain so until Drago is taken out.”

Josie’s fear hit Malakai hard. He wanted to promise nothing would happen to her, but he would never lie. All he could do was his best to keep her safe. Dante and Copyright 2016 - 2024