Malakai (Stone Society #13) - Faith Gibson Page 0,60

Isabelle came through the back door, but instead of saying hello, Dante strode out into the yard to where Connor was watching Amelia and Molly. Dante knelt in front of his son and pressed their foreheads together. No words were exchanged aloud, but Kai knew they were having a conversation. Kai didn’t understand how this child was able to do what he did, but he didn’t need to. Proof was in the drawings. It was in the manner he spoke like an adult on most occasions. Kai didn’t envy Dante or Isabelle. They did their best to ensure Connor had as normal a childhood as possible. With Connor being a genius with gifts, that had to be nearly impossible. Kai wanted kids. Lots of them, but he prayed to the gods they were only special in that they came from his and Josie’s love.

“What happened?” Isabelle asked, her eyes never leaving her two males.

Abbi stood and gave Isabelle a hug. “Connor had a vision.”


“Josie and a man none of us can identify,” Frey answered.

Isabelle turned then, her eyes zeroing in on Josie. She closed the distance and held out her hand. “Josie, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Isabelle.”

“It’s nice to meet you. Your son is amazing.” Josie shook Isabelle’s hand, smiling in sincerity.

“He is, but his gift can be overwhelming for some.” Isabelle returned her attention to Connor.

“His gift is extraordinary. How does he cope with what he sees?” Josie wrapped her arms around her waist, and Kai couldn’t stand the pain his mate was feeling. He went to her and took her in his arms.

“Dante and I do our best to reassure him he’s perfect just the way he is. More often than not, his visions help diffuse a dire situation. In your case, we do our best to figure out who the man is and keep whatever it is Connor saw from happening. May I see the drawing?”

It was Frey who handed the picture to Isabelle. “The man is Drago. I texted Deacon so he could ask Arden if he recognized him, and he confirmed it just now. Several of our security boxes on our gates have been compromised. Jules is testing each one to figure out how they were tampered with. Either Drago found a new computer expert, or Hagen Rossum is smarter than we realized.”

Dante ruffled Connor’s hair before leaving his son to play. Where the boy had been sullen before his father arrived, now he was smiling and running with Amelia as Molly chased after them.

“Josie, it’s good to see you again.” Dante fisted his heart and bowed his head. “On my honor,” he said to Kai’s mate before gathering his own in his arms. The three couples mirrored each other, but no one would think it strange. “I’m going to call Rafe. If Drago is behind the situation with the security breach, he’s either getting braver or desperate. The good news is Isabelle has perfected the antiserum. Tomorrow, we begin the process of making it in mass quantities. We need to have a Clan meeting to decide next steps. With extra security around the mates and children, we are going to require outside assistance. We can’t leave the Pen vulnerable by pulling the guards away to help.”

Frey pressed a kiss to Abbi’s hair before calling out for the kids to come inside. “The manor is the most secure of all our homes. Let’s load up and head on over. While you call Rafe, I’ll call Julian and Nikolas and have them meet us there. Let Rafael decide who else he wants to be in on the meeting. Abbi and I will pack up the food and take it with us.”

“What can we do to help?” Josie asked.

“If you and Kai could load the coolers in the truck, that would be appreciated.”

Everyone got busy, and soon they were on their way to the manor. Malakai should’ve known he and Josie wouldn’t have it any easier than the other couples did upon first getting together. The fates weren’t making it as simple as finding their mates and sealing the bond. At least they were mated, and their connection made them stronger. As much as he wanted to put Josie on a plane and take her to his island home, he wouldn’t abandon his new family. Being included in the planning session with Rafael was new. He was interested to see if Rafael made the decisions on his own or if his brothers and cousins Copyright 2016 - 2024