Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,61

my marital status or children. One more and this is over.”

Chapter Thirty


White House

Washington DC

Hours after the interview ends, Anna’s words still echo in my head.

“Being alone does not make one lonely. In fact, some of the loneliest people I’ve met are those often viewed as the life of the party.”

I know she wasn’t talking about me specifically, but she could have been. I’m rarely by myself, and yet there are relatively few people who I would say know the real me. Gabe comes to mind. Sunshine in her own little way. And, surprisingly enough, Anna. For some reason, I find it easy to be myself when I’m with her.

Strange is how I would label my relationship with the President. It’s not like any relationship I’ve ever had with a woman.

I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve never had a long-term relationship. Sure, there are a few women I took out more than once. But it wasn’t due to a desire to get to know her on a deeper level. It was simply to take the hard work out of sex.

I acknowledge how shallow that sounds, but if you think about it the way I do, it’ll make sense. Let’s face it, it can be hard work to find someone you’re sexually compatible with. Then try to find someone who shares your preferences concerning frequency, positions, and willingness to try new things. It can be close to impossible. So yes, when I find a woman who matches me in two or more of those areas, I’ll do my best to keep her happy for a while. I don’t think that makes me an asshole, just someone who knows what he likes.

But if that makes me shallow, then I guess I’m shallow.

The problem with dating that way, though, is the relationship can never last past a few weeks. By the time you hit the two week mark, women get clingy. She’ll start talking about being exclusive and she’ll want to stay over more. I don’t like thinking about sharing my space with someone. Truthfully, I’ve yet to find anyone I want to be around that much of the time.

I’m not sure I have it in me to do long term. I’m too set in my ways. I like things done a certain way, and I hate to cuddle.

But at the end of the day, it’s like Anna said, I’m not just alone, I’m lonely.

By her own admission, that’s not the way it is with her. Anna might be alone, but she’s not lonely. I wonder if that’s true or if she’s only sprouting words and hoping by saying them she can somehow make them true?

I stand up and walk out of my office, determined not to think about Anna anymore tonight. Some of the single guys on the Press Pool have mentioned a bar not too far away they like to frequent. Thursday’s are a busy night, surely I can find someone to share a drink or two. Maybe make our way to a nearby hotel.

I take a cab to the bar. As expected, it’s busy, but not unbearably so. I grab a local brew they have on tap and make my way to a nearby corner. It’s not out of the way enough for me not to be seen, but it’s outside the flow of traffic. Perfect spot in my opinion because it allows me to both see and be seen without having to deal with a lot of people.

It isn’t long before I’m approached. I notice her as soon as she starts making her way to me. She’s attractive, with long blonde hair I know from working with countless women over the years, it took damn near forever to get as straight as it is. Her outfit is black, unsurprising since the majority of women seem to think it’s the only color allowable.

Anna doesn’t think that.

I push every thought having to do with Anna out of my head, and smile as the blonde approaches me.

“You know, that’s normally my spot,” she says, with a flash of perfectly white and perfectly straight teeth.

I give her a smile back. “I’m more than willing to share.”

She doesn’t accept, but she doesn’t walk away either. “You look familiar for some reason. Have we met before?”

“I don’t think so. I’m pretty sure I’d remember if we had.”

She leans forward, showing off more of her cleavage. I refrain from ogling. “I was thinking the same thing about you. That’s why I came over, but now that Copyright 2016 - 2024