Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,60

“Today, I thought we’d take a look at a different area of your life.”

I assume he’ll pick up where he left off and we’ll discuss my college and law school days. Perhaps chat a little about Harvard.

That’s not the direction he takes, however.

“Not only are you the first female to serve as President, you are the first president since James Buchanan, who was the fifteenth, to be single. Why do you think that is?”

“I’m not sure of the question, I’m afraid.” My body is stiff as I answer. “Are you asking me why Buchanan never got married, why so few single people have sought the office of president before me, or do you want to know why I’m single?”

I don’t like this line of questioning one bit, and this is the exact reason I requested to see the questions beforehand, so I could shoot down ones like this. The production crew looks a bit confused as well, and it occurs to me that even though I may not have received the questions, they more than likely did. From the shrugged shoulders and flipping pages, I observe, Navin has gone off script.

Because of the drilled remark? Really, is he going to be that petty?

“I think I answer for all of America when I say I don’t really care about James Buchanan. Why are you still single?” he asks. “Are you trying to make a statement?”

I’m determined not to let him know how much his line of questioning bothers me. “Why does anyone remain single?” I ask him back. “I haven’t found the right one yet. Why are you still single? You’re a good looking man with a steady job and you speak in complete sentences, why hasn’t some woman snapped you up?”

“I doubt the people watching care all that much about my marital status,” he says. The look in his eyes tell me he is not happy with my attempt to deflect the attention and focus of the interview. Too damn bad. He should have thought about that before he started down this path.

“I wouldn’t sound so sure about that, Mr. Hazar.” I can’t hold back the grin I feel. “I’d bet more than one or two of the single ladies at home watching are more than a little interested in what it’d take to win the heart of a certain news anchor.”

“In that case, I’ll be sure to ask Gabe the next time I see him.”

“Touche, Mr. Hazar.”

He only smiles. “Following onto that question, you’re thirty-six, which means you’ll be forty after your first term and if re-elected, you’ll be forty-four at the end of your second. What are your thoughts about children?”

I roll my eyes and try to play off the question. “Have you been talking with my mom? She’s always bugging me about giving her grandkids.” When he doesn’t reply, I continue. “I’ve always thought it best for children to be raised in a home with two parents. I understand there are any number of reasons and circumstances that prevent that from happening, but I would prefer to be married before even thinking about bringing children into the world.”

I hope that’s the last question he has concerning either children or marriage, but of course I’m not that fortunate.

“Since you’re thirty-six now,” he says. “If you were to meet Mr. Perfect during your term as president, can we expect to see a White House wedding, maybe followed by baby news?”

“No,” I’m quick to reply. “I made a decision before I announced my intention to run that if I won, I wouldn’t actively pursue any sort of romantic relationship. Which also means no White House baby.”

His eyes widen. “Really?”

“Yes,” I say. “Sorry, Mom.” Several members of the production crew laugh. Navin does not. In fact, he does nothing, so I continue, “I knew I could be a mother and President at the same time, but I also knew I couldn’t be great at both, not at the same time, anyway. It just so happened when the opportunity presented itself, I was recently out of a long term relationship and wasn’t looking for another. There was a need in Washington I knew I could fill. The decision seemed to have worked itself out.”

“That sounds rather lonely, Madame President.”

“Being alone does not make one lonely,” I tell him. “In fact, some of the loneliest people I’ve met are those often viewed as the life of the party.” I level my gaze at him because I’ve had enough. “No more questions about either Copyright 2016 - 2024