Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,22

if everyone else are really that welcoming or if they just like looking at her.

She smiles and I try to come up with something witty to say, but every thought in my head sounds stupid and trite because all I’m thinking is she has nothing on Anna. Part of me hates that I compare her to Anna, and how I find her lacking. The other part of me accepts that this has happened since Anna came to my office.

“Either get in the plane or move out of the way, President Fitzpatrick is right behind me."

I turn and find David a few steps away. Following, still back far enough not to be within hearing range, is Anna, walking toward her entrance near the nose of the plane.

“Talk to you inside,” the blond says as she scurries into the plane, and her voice low and husky.

I follow behind her. Being the last member of the Press Pool to enter our section, the only seats left empty are the back ones no one wants. The young guy calls to the blond - Rachelle, he calls her - and pats the seat beside him. She looks over her shoulder and gives me a can you believe this look, but doesn’t move toward the back to where I’m obviously heading, instead choosing to sit next to the kid. Just as well, I’d rather be alone, and from the looks of things, she prefers boys to men. Further confirmation I’m definitely not her type.

When Anna comes in view of the windows, everything stills and silence fills the section as we all turn to watch her. I’m not sure if it’s because she’s the President or if it’s her natural charisma, but while Anna’s in your presence, you can’t turn away. It’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed on several occasions. Today, even the crotchety old reporter has his eyes glued to her.

Like every time I’ve seen her since her inauguration, I try my best not to think of how it felt to hold her again after so many years. How my body remembered every detail of our one and only night together. It doesn’t help that she always looks so damn good. Even today, when she’ll spend so much of her time on a plane, she’s stunning as always. Perhaps more so, because today, for the first time, she’s not wearing a suit. She has on pants, and though her coat is long and obstructs visual confirmation, I’m sure the outfit makes her legs look endless.

Once she’s out of sight, conversation picks back up as if it never stopped in the first place, and surprisingly enough, Anna’s not even a topic of discussion. I’m not sure anyone other than me noticed what happened. Which makes me wonder if Anna is aware of how she affects people?

We settle into our seats. Half the Press Pool continues to chat, while the rest of us pull out something to work on or read. I debate between the newly released historical thriller I purchased on my e-reader or the information on Nicole I was sent earlier. I pull up the latter, telling myself I can read once work is finished.

The information on Nicole is about what I expect. Clean record, no signs of anything illegal, nothing even all that interesting. Exactly what the file should look like for a person working so close to the POTUS.

However, while Nicole is clean, and there’s nothing of note to be found on her parents, the same cannot be said about her twin brother, Nate. His records start with several traffic violations and ends with a large amount of gambling debt. In fact, his record is so bad, I’m surprised Nicole was hired. The only reason why her brother’s actions were overlooked is that their parents divorced when they were twelve. Nicole stayed with her mom on the east coast and Nate went with his father to the west. There is no indication that they’re close, but that’s only based on social media.

We’re about two hours into the flight. Lunch is over and there’s a general hush among us. Every so often there’s a bit of chatter, but for the most part, we’re all doing our own thing. I’m rereading the information on Nicole’s brother, when the door to our cabin is opened.

As one would expect, each president has their own way of interacting with the Press Pool. While in flight, some visit the press cabin and talk, while others act as if we don’t exist. Copyright 2016 - 2024