Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,21

forms in order to receive my access badge. And not from my new pizza delivery guy, especially when I discover his inability to calculate correct change.

My first few days working are busy enough to keep me occupied, but not with anything interesting. While I’m familiarizing myself with the way the Press Poll interacts with the administration, I start files on everyone on Anna’s staff. So far, I’ve seen nothing to cause alarm.

To be honest, I don’t talk much with anyone. Most of those unfortunates sharing my basement office space have served on the Press Pool for years and covered multiple presidents. They typically sit off to my side, occasionally throwing glances my way. It’s not because I’m a newbie on the pool, there’s a newspaper reporter from The Times who started the same day I did. She, however, is fully entrenched in the group. No, it’s because I’m that guy. The one who used to be on the most watched news network in the country. The guy who knew Anna in law school and was her escort for two of her Inaugural Balls. Those things make me an odd sort of unknown entity and they don’t know what to do with me, except to leave me alone.

I couldn’t be happier that they want to keep their distance. Being left alone means I’m not forced to make small talk or to pretend I’m excited to be doing what I’m doing. Most important, though, there won’t be anyone to get in my way or watch as I dig into the Fitzpatrick staff.

My plan for researching Anna’s staff is to start with those closest to her and work my way to others from there. The first two people I focus on are David, her Chief of Staff, and Nicole, her personal secretary.

During my first week, I discover David Herdsman is not a newcomer to the Washington DC crowd. He is both experienced and well-liked, but most admit they don’t really know him. He remains somewhat of an enigma, having appeared first on the scene as a Democrat, and switching to Independent around the same time Anna won her first Congressional race. He had been a friend of the Fitzpatrick family for years prior, but it’s the timing of when he switched parties that appears too coincidental for my liking. He and Oliver got married a few years ago. Oliver works in International Finance and travels a lot.

GBNC’s research group sent over detailed information this morning that I’d requested on Nicole. I haven’t had a chance to read it yet.

The chilly January morning meets the crowd of us gathered around and waiting to board Air Force One. Anna is flying to London to meet with the Prime Minister and other heads of state. London will be a nice change of pace, but I’m not looking forward to the flight. While I’ve been able to keep pretty much to myself so far, I fear that may change once we’re all in a confined space for seven hours.

A Secret Service agent breezes by me, talking into his headset. “Pilgrim is on the move.”

“About damn time,” one of the seasoned Press Pool members says as we begin to board. “Probably had a run in her pantyhose she had to take care of.”

“Wouldn’t have happened if Roberts had won,” another old timer says.

“Or Merriweather,” a guy who looks like he just got out of high school joins in.

I step aside and let the trio pass. The young guy and the Roberts supporter pass by without saying a word, but no such luck with the ring leader. He stops right in front of me.

“You lagging behind so you can tattle on us to your girlfriend?” he asks with a sneer.

“So I can fill her in on what a prick you are?” I ask. “Nah, she already knows.”

The corner of his upper lip lifts up, but he walks past me without saying another word. I don’t follow behind him because the newbie journalist is there, and my manners won’t allow me to cut in front of her. It’s the first time we’ve been this close and I realize how attractive she is.

Her blond hair is pulled up and back into a ponytail and she has nice enough blue eyes, but they have a fake look about them, making me think she’s wearing colored contacts. When she smiles, all I see is her mouth. Her lips are plump and red, and with every move, they catch your eye. Makes me wonder Copyright 2016 - 2024