Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,13

back. It’s a show of protection and possession I had not anticipated and the surprise of it leaves me equal parts excited and wary. Before I have a chance to tell him it’s not appropriate for anyone to see him touch me in such a familiar manner, his hand drops.

He surprises me even more when, seconds before our introduction, he motions for the styling assistant to fix the hemline on the back of my gown that has somehow upturned. I raise my eyebrow at him in question, and he gives a little shrug and whispers, “It’s no small thing to have the world watching you.”

In the next second, my name is called and when I step into the ballroom to meet the people who have supported me, all I can think about is that I’ve opened Pandora’s box once more by allowing Navin into my realm.

However, even that pales in comparison to what I’m feeling when he takes me in his arms for our first dance. My mouth goes dry even as every nerve in my body sings at the feeling of once more being in his arms. I tell myself I have to be wary around him, he potentially has the ability to make me forget who I am. I have already allowed him to be more forward and flirtatious than is acceptable, especially in public.

His eyes are darker than normal. “How is it possible I still feel breathless when I look at you?” he asks in a low voice. “That I recall every touch, taste, and sound of that night?”

I hide my surprise at the knowledge he remembers and I steady myself to appear to be unaffected by his question. “Do you also remember the way you left without saying a word two days later?”

“It was never my intention to hurt you, Anna.”

I look away so he won’t see just how much his leaving had hurt. “Madame President,” I say.


“You will address me as Madame President. I have not given you permission to do otherwise.”

You will, his expression says and I hate that he’s right.

Not long after Navin and I step off the dance floor, David and Oliver make their way through the crowd to us. Jackson and I saw them both earlier in the evening at the first ball, but I suppose they want to meet my new escort.

I introduce the three men. I’m a little surprised David and Navin have never met, but it appears they only know the other by reputation.

“You look as if you’re in your element, Madame President,” Oliver says with a smile as David and Navin talk. Though many have already used the title, I have to admit it sounds a bit strange coming from someone whose wedding I was part of and who has spent hours on my couch watching hockey.

“I’m not sure the ball scene is my element.” I take a quick look around the crowded room. “Not to mention, the shoes aren’t very comfortable.”

He laughs and then nods toward Navin. “Did you ever remember who he reminded you of?”

I remember our prior discussion too late to tell him anything other than the truth, though I do manage to only give high level details, knowing that no one knows this tidbit. “It was him, actually,” I say. “Our paths crossed in our twenties.”

Fortunately, I’m spared any further questions by David apologizing, but asking for to me to step to the side for a moment to speak with him.

“The last venue has been notified that Navin Hazar will be escorting you at the request of Captain Phillips,” he tells me. “The White House will issue a statement tomorrow thanking Captain Phillips for his service to the country and for being a gentleman in his care in escorting our Commander in Chief.”

I nod my approval. “I’m going to discuss a possible future with the Secret Service with him.”

“Brilliant idea,” he says. “I have to tell you, the crowds liked you with Captain Phillips, but the buzz about you and Hazar? I don’t know what’s between the two of you, but if you could find a way to bottle it up and sell it, you’d make a fortune.”

The camera flashes at the last ball confirm David’s words. Even if no one else cares, the press likes me with Navin. Judging by crowd size, however, it’s not only them. I expected the last ball to be the least attended, but I don’t think that’s the case. It might be the highest. A fact not Copyright 2016 - 2024