Madame President - Tara Sue Me Page 0,12

to get Jackson back to his hotel room. I look over my shoulder, and in an instant, a Secret Service agent is by my side. I tell him what’s going on, what I need for Jackson, and ask him to update David with my escort change. Within minutes, I’m outside seeing Jackson off to his hotel. As he climbs in the back seat, it hits me how great he’d be as a Secret Service agent. I make a note to discuss with him later.

When the car moves out of my line of sight, I turn to go back inside, and stop. Navin stands between me and the front door. It would be a disservice not to notice how incredible he looks. I’m used to seeing him in a suit and tie, and don’t get me wrong, he looks good in them. Damn good, Jaya would say. But there’s not a suit in the world that comes close to matching the way he looks in a tux.

He takes my breath for an instant, standing there the way he is, all calm and devil-may-care. The corner of his mouth quirks up, and he walks toward me.

“Madame President,” he says. “Whenever you’re ready, they’re waiting inside.”

I don’t say anything. He walks closer while looking me up and down the entire time. It’s been cold today. No snow, only an occasional flurry. I see my breath before me as I exhale, and yet, wherever his gaze falls on me, I am warm. His eyes finally rest on mine, and his voice is low and rough when he speaks.

“It’s not fair for the leader of the free world to look so spectacular in a gown. In fact, I’d say it’s criminal for someone holding the amount of power you hold, to also look as good as you do in that gown.”

“I’m not sure if I should thank you or be offended,” I say, and my voice is calm even with my heart pounding. “At the moment, I believe I’ll decline to do either.”

He chuckles, reaches for my hand, and places a kiss on the top of it. The heat from his lips still sears my skin after he releases me.

“Did you know your southern accent gets slightly more intense when you’re nervous?” he asks.

I know I have a slight accent but I’d never heard anyone mention that particular thing about it. “What a very odd thing for someone to notice, Mr. Hazar.”

“It’s not all that noticeable. You have to really listen for it. It’s soft, very light, almost nonexistent. But it’s definitely there, and if you listen close enough, you’ll hear it.”

His words send shivers throughout my body, as if it’s agreeing with his assessment but wanting it known he’s the cause. It’s not clear what kind of game Navin’s playing, or why he thinks I want any part of it.

“I don’t understand why you’re here.”

“I told you I made a mistake,” he says.

“And you realized your mistake tonight?”

“I realized it before your elevator reached the ground floor the day you asked, but I was too much of a fool to do anything about it. I came to these balls because I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you be celebrated for being the most powerful person in the country. And when I spoke to Jackson earlier, I knew it was my second chance, and I had to take it. Second chances are very rare, you know?”

I’m not sure how to respond to any of that, so I nod and we make our way back to the ball.

While we’ve been outside, word of where I am must have spread because when I move toward the entrance doors, several attendees have ventured out of the warmth of the ballroom. They are held in place by guards while Secret Service agents usher me past them.

I’m close enough to hear whispers.

“That wasn’t Captain Phillips she was with.”

“Was that Navin Hazar?”

Thankfully, Navin is used to being in the public eye and when I glance his way, he doesn’t appear to be bothered by the attention or questions at all. He raises an eyebrow and glances at my hand. I give a subtle shake of my head. Jackson hadn’t held my hand, so Navin can’t either. He nods, and we walk side-by-side to the waiting crowd inside.

We make our way down a long hallway to where we will enter the ballroom and be introduced, Navin is by my side with his hand brushing ever so slightly on my lower Copyright 2016 - 2024