Lust or Love (The Love Vixen #2) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,6

have to try out that wand.

“Oh, yeah. I heard Beatrice had fractured a hip falling off a swing a few days ago. You’d think at her age, she wouldn’t be hanging out at the park. As far as I know, she doesn’t have any grandkids or anything.”

Not that kind of swing.

“I just hope she heals fast,” I said. Although I didn’t want the details of what happened, it was important that I knew it wasn’t due to an issue with the product. It was time to follow up.

Allison left my office, closing the door behind her. Before I could even pick up the phone, there was a knock on my door. Really? Am I ever going to get any work done today?

Trying not to sound agitated, I called out, “Come in.”

When the door opened, it was Jack holding out my latte. “Saw you when you came in. It looked like you could use one of these this morning.”

Smiling I replied, “There’s never a bad time for a latte. Thank you, Jack.”

“I finished building the shelves yesterday. Is there anything else for me to do?” he asked.

I had plenty for him to do, but I wasn’t ready for a remodel to be done just yet. “I…I’m sorry, Jack. It must seem like I don’t have my shit together, but I really do. I just wasn’t prepared for having you around.”

“Did Robert pressure you into hiring me?” he asked.

I snickered. “You know my father. He’s…persistent when he wants something.”

“You said it,” Jack agreed.

“He said you were healing from some injury or something.”

“Healing?” he said, with a puzzled expression.

“You weren’t…hurt?” Jack shook his head, and I asked, “Maybe sick?”

“I had a cold a few months ago. You know, sneezing and coughing. But I have no idea why he reached out.”

Neither do I. “I’m sorry, Jack. My father seemed to believe that you needed a job. And I’m getting the feeling that you don’t.”

“He told you I need a job?” Jack burst out laughing. “I am between jobs, but I do not need one.”

That’s a bit…arrogant. “So what are you doing here, then?” I really wanted to hear what he had to say. I hoped it would be more honest than what Dad had told me.

“Robert called me and said you needed help with your business.”

“I know that, but why did you come if you don’t need a job?” I asked.

He stood there staring at me so intently I thought he wasn’t going to answer. But when he did, I wasn’t prepared for his honesty.

“Because he said you needed help. I came for you,” Jack stated.

I had no snappy response to that. But after all these years, it just didn’t make sense. I wouldn’t have dropped everything for him. “That’s kind of you, but it was…unnecessary.”

“I see that now. But, you know, I’m still glad I’m here.”

“Jack, we haven’t talked or seen each other since…”

“I left for the Olympics. I’m sorry about that. I know I promised to come back. And I didn’t.”

I never expected you to. “You had other things to do.”

“Yes, but I should’ve called. And I’m sorry,” he said, sounding genuine.

Part of me was happy to learn he felt bad. I had glued myself to the TV watching him compete. And after he won gold for the high dive, I sat by the phone waiting for him to call me. He didn’t. I hated admitting it, but he was the first guy to break my heart.

“Thanks, but that was a long time ago,” I said flatly.

“Which means it’s long overdue. Not that my putting together a shelf makes up for it, but I do have free time and I’d like to help you if you’ll allow me to,” Jack offered.

“I appreciate the offer, but you really can’t tell me you enjoyed moving boxes and building a shelf.”

“No, but if it’s what you need done, I’ll do it,” he replied seriously.

“Jack, I do need help, but I can’t accept yours.” I didn’t want him here. I knew if he stayed, I’d only miss him when he left again. And if there was one thing I was sure of, it’s that he would leave.

“Can’t or won’t?” he asked.

“Is there a difference?” I asked, leaning back in my chair to avoid his gaze.

“Yes, there is. One is a choice. What I don’t understand is why.”

Because you’re even better looking than you were as a teenager and I’m afraid that if I look at you too long, you’ll see I still want you.

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