Lust or Love (The Love Vixen #2) - Jeannette Winters Page 0,5

were here for a short time. Now you’re working here. Which is it?”

“Working here for a short time. Just helping out a friend,” I stated.

“A lady friend?” he inquired.

Hard to deny it with lace panties on the seat. “Yes.”

That’s all he was getting. Then again, if Carlos really wanted to know, he could just run the license plate and find out who the van was registered to.

I grabbed the panties and went to toss them back in the glove box. But they caught on something and sent it crashing onto the floor. The buzzing sound echoed in the cab of the van. Looking down, I saw a twelve-inch vibrator moving on the floor. What the fuck! Panties were one thing, but what the hell was she doing running about with her vibrator in the glove box? Did she get so horny that she pulled over on the side of the road and took care of business in the van?

My cock hardened with the thought of Deidre masturbating. Guess there are some tools she knows how to use. I wasn’t twelve inches, but I wouldn’t mind helping her out.

“Your…friend might want to get that glove box fixed,” Carlos laughed. “I mean, think how awkward it would’ve been if a different officer had pulled you over.”

I shot him a warning look and said, “I hope you keep this to yourself.”

“Don’t worry. My commanding officer wouldn’t believe me if I had to write it in a report,” Carlos said as he turned away. He stopped and added, “Keep that speed down, Jack. Next time you’re getting a ticket.”

When he was gone, I looked back down at the vibrator still buzzing on the floor. I couldn’t leave it there. Using the panties to pick it up, I tossed it into the glove box and shut the door. But the buzzing could be heard even with the door shut. I can’t believe this. I had to open it again, but this time, I didn’t let it fall open. I took the vibrator out and turned it off. Then I placed it back in the glove box.

I chuckled as I pulled back onto the road. I adjusted myself in the seat, as my cock tested the stretch limits of my jeans. I ached for Deidre. I didn’t want to, but I did.

She’s the only thing I missed about this town. And being around her is going to be pure torture.

Chapter 3


“What are you talking about? I didn’t get pulled over yesterday,” I said. “Allison, your boyfriend is just pulling your leg.”

“If that’s the case, then how does he know about the Ultimate Pleasure Wand?” Allison asked.

“Easy, you told him.” Allison probably snagged one of the samples last night when I wasn’t looking. That didn’t surprise me. She knew where I hid things from the staff. What she seems to have forgotten was that included her. Each sales rep would eventually get one, but I preferred to track who had what stock. Not that we could sell the demo items–I just needed to know for tax purposes. Allison was great in sales, but the business side of things was not her forte.

Allison giggled. “We might have discussed it. I do love having a boyfriend who supports my job.”

I shook my head. “I don’t think I want to know what you and Carlos…do.” Allison already told me how she like Carlos to come home from work, still dressed in his police uniform and twirling the handcuffs on his finger. I was glad to see one of us had a active, healthy, sex life.

“Am I your top salesperson?” she asked. I nodded. “It’s because when I talk about the products, it’s from personal experience,” Allison added with a wink. “And for the record, you really need to try the Ultimate Pleasure Wand. It’s uhhh-mazing!”

I wasn’t going to fall for it. Allison wanted me to ask how she got her hands on it when I hadn’t passed them out to the sales team yet. But Allison had her ways, and I overlooked them. It was a conversation for another time.

“I’m sure it is. Now if you don’t mind, I want to call and check on Beatrice.” At least I knew how Carlos found out about the Ultimate Pleasure Wand. I just wished neither of them were so comfortable with me that they would joke about it. I’m no prude by any means, but my personal sex life - or lack of one - was no one’s business. I might just Copyright 2016 - 2024