Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,85

to my eyelids, where he wipes the tears still falling, then, to my surprise, he presses his lips against my forehead. The gesture is so familiar that it hurts and heals at the same time. “But you have to eat.”

There is nothing more beautiful than observing the snow peacefully coating the ground in the gardens of Bedford Hills. I keep my face pinned against the window as I marvel at every snowflake falling from the sky. Alex told me he asked the Snow Queen to send it so we could build a snowman. Letting out a sigh, I wonder when I can have the same powers as her. After all, I was also born in December. If I had them, I’d cover the gardens with snow during the summer. But from what Alex told me, it seems her powers only work during winter, because the Queen hibernates afterward. Maybe there is another way… Oh! What if I ask for a magic wand from Santa Claus? Turning to my godfather, who’s lying on the sofa reading, I ask, “Alex?”


“If I ask Santa Claus for a magic wand, do you think I’d be able to make snow fall in the summer?”

He looks at me with a thoughtful expression, and I keep mine just as serious, before he says, “You know only the Snow Queen has that power.”

I dip my head, huffing at his reply, and cross my arms. But he doesn’t say anything back and just continues reading. I don’t like when he pays more attention to a book than to me. So I walk over, and, standing in front of him, I poke his arm repeatedly.

“Yes, Miss Van Gatt?” He sounds annoyed, and I giggle, knowing I’m the reason for it.

“Why can’t you ask the Snow Queen to give me her powers while she hibernates? I could use them during the summer.”

Alex lets out a breath in response and closes his book before sitting up on the sofa. I see his lap available, and I resist the urge to sit there. He already told me not to if I haven’t asked politely first. But he also told me I’m a princess, and to me, princesses shouldn’t ask permission to do anything. My lips twitch, undecided, but if he becomes disappointed with me, he’ll tell the Snow Queen, and she might never make the snow fall ever again.

“Because you need to be older first.”

My mouth drops, because he never told me my age was a problem. “How much older?” I ask, annoyance thick in my tone.

“The Snow Queen only gives her power to adults. You are too young.”

I feel tears resting on my eyelids, disappointed at the sad reality. “How long should I wait, then?”

Alex gives me a side smile and lifts me up to sit on his lap. “Those powers require a lot of responsibilities,” he tells me. “In ten years, maybe I can introduce you to the Snow Queen.”

“Ten years?” I repeat in outrage, thinking about the immensity of what ten years means. “That’s a lot of winters and summers.”

Alex chuckles in return before pressing his lips tightly together against my head. “Great power requires great responsibility.”

I don’t know what he means by that, but I know the ground outside is white enough for us to build a snowman.

“Can we go outside and play?” I ask him, my eyes looking upward at his.

“Sure, let’s go,” Alex replies, setting me on my feet.

“Yeah!” I clap my hands in excitement, my heart pulsing at a thousand miles an hour as I wait for him to stand up. “Let’s go!” I shout, rushing to leave his library. Then I go into the hallway and try to grab my coat hanging on the wall. It’s a bit too high for me, so I jump, reaching my hand up as high as I can, but it’s in vain. I see Alex walking in my direction, and he effortlessly takes my coat and his. Then he leans down to my level and holds my coat wide open for me to put it on.

“Let’s go,” I press on as he helps me put my gloves on. Then he takes my scarf and my beanie, and I huff, my patience running thinner with every beat. Meanwhile, Alex insists that I wear them. He covers my head with the beanie and then with the hood of my coat. Once we’re ready, my godfather opens the front door, and my smile grows wider as I take in my surroundings. “Wow…” Copyright 2016 - 2024