Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,34

I tease in a low voice. “You did a fantastic job.”

As we sit, I notice how Emma keeps gazing discreetly at Yara, which is understandable as she’s the only one sporting equestrian attire for an evening event. And for those who don’t know her, it might come off as a pretty weird fashion statement. A side smile escapes me at thinking I was not supposed to see that.

“I’m so glad you guys could come,” I praise as I look at Julia now sitting in front of me.

I notice how a waiter is already behind them, filling Sebastian’s glasses with red wine and water.

“Me too,” Julia says, before declining the wine.

“It was really perfect timing,” Sebastian points out. “We were about to come here to New York anyway.”

“Oh really?” I ask in surprise. “For what reason, if I may ask?”

As Julia looks at her husband with a twinkle in her eye, she says, “Well, it’s our twentieth wedding anniversary, and since Sebastian has always wanted to go bear hunting…”

But my joyful expression switches into a perplexed one. “Bear hunting?” I repeat, nearly out of breath. “What do you mean?”

“Um,” Sebastian mumbles, glancing at Alex. “I mean, tomorrow is the opening season in the Hudson Valley. You know, for black bear hunting. We don’t have bears in the Netherlands, so I’m really looking forward to tomorrow.”

Tomorrow? What is he talking about? I look at Alex, trying to understand what the hell is going on, but he’s talking to Maria. And just like me, Emma can’t stop glaring at Sebastian as he casually tries to justify the killing of animals for pleasure.

“So you came here just for the sake of killing black bears?” Emma unleashes.

“We came here first and foremost for the engagement, of course,” Julia interposes in the sweetest and most polite tone to rescue him. “Black bear hunting is not illegal; it’s actually an extremely regulated sport.”

“Sport?” Emma repeats, nodding sarcastically, but I know she is doing her best not to enter into a bloody debate against them. One thing is for sure: if this were happening at Loyola, she would’ve gotten really aggressive, maybe even violent. Meanwhile, Alex avoids eye contact with me by keeping himself engrossed in conversation with Margaret and Dad. Well, if my fiancé thinks he’s gonna kill a black bear tomorrow with Sebastian, then he’s in for a big surprise. But I’ll take care of him and his hunt later. For now, and for the sake of a good evening, I try to lead the conversation to a lighter subject. “So, it’s your twentieth wedding anniversary?” I ask Julia, my tone enthusiastic. “Congratulations. You guys are such an inspiration.”

And keeping her smile just as big, she says, “Yes, unbelievable how time flies so fast.”

“Wow,” Emma utters, playing along. “That’s impressive. And you look so young…”

“Well, I’m just thirty-nine.”

Emma nearly chokes on her wine. “Wait, what? You got married at nineteen?” Then she looks at me and says in a lower voice, “I understand now why you like her so much.” Still under a wave of shock, Emma seems to be thinking something through. “But, like, you dated other guys before him, right?”

“Nope. I knew he’d be my husband the day I met him,” Julia replies, her tone laced with pride as she gazes for an instant at Sebastian. “I was sixteen at the time, and we dated until I finished high school. Then he proposed, and a year later, we were married.”

Emma makes a mental effort not to gape again, but her expression says it all. “So, Sebastian was your first and only boyfriend?” she asks, nearly in outrage. And we can’t help but giggle at her astonished face. It feels like two worlds discovering each other.

“Yes,” Julia replies amid the laughter. “When it’s the right one, one is enough.”

“Oh…” I swoon as Julia gives her husband a quick peck on the cheek. Sebastian then takes her hand and gives it a kiss. Letting out a sigh, I picture Alex and I doing the same after twenty years of marriage. Then my gaze goes to Emma, who is still blinking in total shock.

“I think Julia had more important things to do than fooling around,” I whisper in her ear for the sake of teasing her. Then I reach for her hand, and, imitating Sebastian, I give Emma’s hand a kiss.

“And what about your friends? Were they like you?” Emma continues inquiring.

“My friends, yes,” Julia replies with a big grin. And my amusement keeps growing. “But some Copyright 2016 - 2024