Lured into Love (Blossom in Winter #2) - Melanie Martins Page 0,33

been in my prayers.” Oh, wow. Her words were not expected but they are just as welcome, bringing a wave of emotion through me.

“Thank you,” I say discreetly. At least her kindness and warmth are just as I recall. “I’m so happy to see you again.”

“How are you doing?” she asks in a low voice, observing me. “Have you been eating properly?”

“Yes, I have,” I tell her, feeling quite self-conscious about my struggle to do so. “I’m, um, on medication for anxiety and PTSD.” I haven’t opened up about this to anyone, but I guess with Julia it’s a bit different.

She doesn’t seem surprised; rather, she keeps her expression just as serious and attentive. “Of course. After everything you went through, I can imagine.” Then she takes my hands unexpectedly, her seriousness deepening. “I’m sorry for your loss, Petra. If you need anything, you know I’m here, right?”

“Oh…” Now that was unexpected. “Alex told you?”

“Petra…” She cocks her head to the side. “I knew before anyone else.” And my gaze drops to the floor just as fast. Of course she knew before anyone else. Who was I trying to fool? “I don’t want you to blame yourself for anything, alright?”

I frown at her request. “Um, what do you mean?”

“The accident, the baby… It belongs to the past. You have to focus on healing now.” Her tone is so empathetic and caring that I can’t help but revel in it.

“Thank you, Julia.” I plunge into her embrace again, a bit devastated at the memories. And I know I will need time to heal from all of it, but her energy and words have such a healing power that I can only be grateful to have her in my life.

“My brother loves you a lot,” she says in a whisper. “Those five months without you were not easy for him.”

I’m about to answer, but we are promptly interrupted by another female voice. “Can we say hello?” His mother, Margaret, asks, stepping in with his other sister, Maud.

“Margaret,” I greet as we exchange three kisses. She looks just as radiant as last year, sporting a black jumpsuit and a gray silk shawl over her shoulders. My attention then goes to her second daughter. “Hi, Maud.” And I also give her three kisses.

“Alex told us about your coma,” Margaret informs me. And I wonder if he also told her about the baby, but I’m definitely not the one who’s gonna bring that up. The fewer people that know, the better. “What a miracle you are awake. Doctors thought you’d never recover,” she says, taking my hand between hers.

“Thank you.” Pausing for a moment, I then add, “I’m really lucky.”

“Damn right.” She gives me one of her warmest smiles, and, before either of us get emotional, she asks, “Well, shall we?”

As we step onto the terrace where dinner will be served, everyone marvels about the setting Emma has prepared, and my eyes fill with joy as I take in my surroundings—strings of fairy lights are cascading overhead, creating a wonderful romantic vibe with a gold-colored glow, then at the center lies a long dining table covered with candles, lanterns, and bouquets of white jasmine. My heart flutters in excitement at seeing those flowers; after all, they are my favorite. I see Julia already recording the setting on her iPhone and asking her husband, Sebastian, to take a picture of her and Maud. “It’s so beautiful,” I hear her praising. Then a bit farther down, I see a live music band, including a violinist and a pianist. They start playing the beginning of a new song, and after a few notes, I smile, recognizing it—“Everlasting Love” by Jamie Cullum.

“Do you like it?” Emma asks.

“Oh, Emma, it’s perfect.” I pull her into my arms and squeeze her tightly. “You’re the most amazing friend I could ask for,” I whisper in her ear.

With tears in her eyes, Emma clears her throat and does her best to keep them under control. “Alright, let me show you where I placed everyone.” She brings me to the table, and, showing me the names written on each placement card, she explains, “So, I have you here. Alex on your left, me on your right, Julia in front of you, her husband in front of Alex.”

Before she can finish, Julia and her husband Sebastian are already taking their seats, followed by Yara and Elliott, and everyone else does the same. “Oh, I see that everyone likes to seat quickly.”

“I think everyone is hungry,” Copyright 2016 - 2024