Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,59

didn’t try to send any bugged vehicles with us.”

Crystal scowled. “Why would they do that?”

Austin stepped out of the limo and opened the door for us with a bow. “Ladies.”

I kissed his cheek as I climbed in. “Morning.”

Vortex held out a bottle of water with electrolytes in it made for heroes. “Drink this.”

I took the offered bottle and drank half of it as quickly as possible. It tasted like oranges with a hint of strawberry. “Yum,” I said and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

Alura and Crystal climbed in, smiling at Hurricane and Vortex before taking the seat across from Black Hole and Tremor.

Austin climbed in, sliding over until his leg touched mine, and closed the door. “Ready to go,” he called up to the driver.

Everyone chatted, though a bit quieter than the night before, as we all dealt with hangovers of varying degrees.

We pulled up to the mansion and Crystal let out a whistle. “He definitely didn’t need the limo to show off when we were coming here.”

Tyson stood on the steps, waiting for us, and opened the door as soon as the car stopped.

I climbed up and hugged him tightly, placing a kiss on his cheek. “Hello, handsome.”

“Hello, beautiful. I missed you.”

“Are they here yet?” I asked.

He shook his head and then maneuvered me out of the way so the rest of the group could get out of the car as well.

Tyson shook hands with everyone, smiling and acting exactly how I expected the owner of a billion dollar company to act.

Hurricane and Vortex shook his hand and gave him curt nods, but I could see both were still tense.

Austin and Tyson surprised me by having a hug when they greeted each other. Had they been talking when I didn’t realize it? It actually made me really happy to see them being friendly with each other.

“Lucky, it is so nice to see you again,” Marvin said in greeting as he opened the front door.

I skipped up the steps as fast as I could and beamed at him. “Marvin! Did you make me something delicious?”

He winked. “Yes, ma’am. I made something extra special since you were bringing so many guests, too.”

I cringed. “I hope I didn’t put you out too much.”

He laughed and shook his head. “I enjoy making delicious foods for beautiful women and their friends.”

Crystal smiled at him. “Hello, I’m--”

He bowed. “Crystal Woman, a salinium crystal grower.”

Her mouth popped open. “Yes.”

He looked at Alura. “Aura Queen.”

Alura giggled and blushed. “Oh, I like that title.”

“Marvin, don’t flirt with the women, especially not mine,” Tyson ordered him as he came to us and draped his arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go to the garden.”

I nodded, dipped out from under his arm, grabbed Alura and Crystal’s hands, and then dragged them into the house and out to the garden. “You’re going to love it here!”

“Whoa,” Alura breathed as we walked quickly through the house.

“It’s even more amazing than you know,” I whispered, “but I can’t tell you those secrets.”

We stepped out into the garden and both gasped and took off in different directions to smell flowers.

The guys came out as a group, and I turned to admire them all together in their everyday outfits, talking like normal men.

I watched Black Hole and Tremor talking with Tyson and wondered how they would react had they been in Hurricane or Votex’s shoes and knew who he was.

Would they attack him? Would they turn him in? Turn me in?

“Stop scowling, Child. You’re going to develop wrinkles,” Mother chastised me.

I spun around and let out a breath, to see them in their everyday appearances.

Mother wore a gorgeous red satin dress that hugged her figure and had even braided and smoothed down her normally crazy hair.

Dad wore a suit and had slicked back his hair.

Dad glared at the people. “Why are they all here?”

“My friends came with me to my boyfriend’s house,” I explained. “We figured that the discussion you needed to have with Tyson wouldn’t need to take up that much time.”

He shrugged. “Whatever.”


“Tyson, are you ready for us, dear?” Mother called with a smile.

Alura looked from me to them and then back to me. Her mouth dropped open and she gasped. “Oh. My. Goodness.”

Tyson shook hands with my father and then my mother. “Yes, of course. Please follow me. Friends, Marvin will bring out refreshments. I’ll be back in just a few minutes.”

Austin rubbed my upper back. “You okay?”

I swallowed. “Yeah, I’m fine. I’ll be right back, okay?”

“Galactic Gargoyle,” Mother Copyright 2016 - 2024