Lucky Strike (Super Harem #1) - Catherine Banks Page 0,34

three, and the boxes that fell with you,” Alfred said.

“Is this supposed to be a cell?” Gargoyle asked and walked towards the nearest wall.

“Are there any doors?” Transistor asked.

“Negative,” Alfred replied.

My eyes widened. “What about vents or pipes?”

“There are two pipes, one on each side of the room. There is residual moisture in them which may indicate water,” Alfred answered.

“Great, he’s going to try to drown us,” I muttered.

“Oh, drowning you is too simple,” the man said. “You know, all you had to do was quit the Association. That really wasn’t too much to ask. But no, you had to disobey me.”

My mind spun as it tried to place the voice. It sounded familiar. Whose was it?

“Why do you want her out of the Association so bad?” Transistor asked. “What are you planning to do with those cyborg canines?”

“That is none of your business,” the man snapped.

“Why don’t you come down here and we can talk face-to-face,” I said. “You can try to convince me to leave.”

“You’re too stubborn and won’t listen to reason. I think death may be the only option for you now,” he said and sighed loudly. “I never wanted it to come to this, but you’ve forced my hand. If you’d never involved yourself in the hero world, you could have been happy. Now, look at you! Fell into toxic goo, had your heart broken, and had a scandal broken out within just the first few months! You’re a disgrace.”

It couldn’t be…

Could it?

Water began pouring into the room from the pipes.

“Can you radio for help?” I asked Alfred.

“Negative. All transmissions are being blocked,” he answered.

“Figures,” I muttered.

Some rather large plops sounded and then I heard hissing.

“Please don’t be snakes. Please don’t be snakes,” I chanted with my fingers crossed.

“Not snakes. Crocodiles,” Alfred said. “Cyborg crocodiles.”

“Of course,” I sighed. “They couldn’t just be crocodiles. They had to be enhanced ones.”

Gargoyle stepped in front of me. “I’ll handle them. They can’t bite through my stone skin.”

“I could just zap zap,” I said and wiggled my fingers towards the water.

“Let’s hold off on using powers unless necessary,” Transistor said.

Crossing my arms and pouting seemed a reasonable response, but it made them both laugh.

“Oh, please. You think you two can do anything?” The man asked and scoffed. “This trap isn’t for you. It’s for her.”

A large beep echoed in the room.

We looked around, backed up so the three of our shoulders touched, and prepared for the additional threat.

“Below!” Gargoyle yelled. His body jerked and he disappeared into the water.

“Gargoyle!” I screamed.

Transistor disappeared the next instant, his arms flying up as he was pulled by his feet straight down.

“Transistor!” I yelled.

“I was surprised you fell for a villain,” the man said. “Though, I suppose it does make sense based on your history.”

“Where did you take them?” I asked, my powers beginning to build within me.

“Leave the Association, and I’ll let them go,” he said.

“Where are they?” I asked. The water around me began to crackle with lightning.

The crocodiles were wisely staying back, circling me, but not closing in.

“Leave the Association!” He yelled.

Transistor and Gargoyle’s screams echoed within the room.

“Ten seconds to make your choice or I kill them,” the man said.

“Alfred, can you sense them?” I asked.



“Yes, Lucky?”

“I might fry you by stealing your power.”


“I’m sorry in advance.”

“I don’t feel pain. The company will repair me free of charge. Do not worry.”

“I’m going to count down from five,” the man said. “Five.”

“I don’t care who you are anymore. I have my suspicions, but you ruined any chance of mercy when you took them.”


“Bring them back,” I yelled.


“Last chance!”


With a deep breath, I reached down within myself, pulled on the power at my core, and whispered, “Boom, bitch.”

My body bowed inwards before my arms flew out, and both my power and the power I stole from Alfred exploded.

One moment I was in waist deep water in a concrete room. The next, the moon shone above me, debris rained down around me, and splashed in what was left of the water.

The floor quaked and began crumbling.

I had to get out of here before I fell with it.

“Alfred?” I called.

No response.

As I had expected.

“Transistor? Gargoyle?” I called, climbing up the large concrete blocks near the edge of the crater I had created. I had to be careful to avoid the rebar that stuck up randomly as well as wiring.

With a grunt, I dragged myself out of the crater and lay on the ground a moment to catch my breath.

“Violet Strike!” Gargoyle yelled.

“Here,” I said Copyright 2016 - 2024